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Resumo IPEN-doc 10824 Proposal of a system of signalling of security in occupational radiological protection for radiactives and nuclear installations2004 - CAMBISES, P.B.S.; SANCHEZ, A.S.; ALMEIDA, C.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 11936 Radioprotection planned operation to deactivate an old fabrication plant of UOsub(2) pellets in IPEN-CNEN/SP to perform decommissioning2007 - CAMBISES, PAULO B.S.; PAIVA, JULIO E. de; ALMEIDA, CLAUDIO C.; SILVA, TERESINHA M.; RODRIGUES, DEMERVAL L.Artigo IPEN-doc 11929 A survey of the worker dose rate at IPEN-CNEN/SP nuclear fuel cycle facilities2007 - SILVA, TERESINHA de M. da; SORDI, GIAN M.A.A.; ALMEIDA, CLAUDIO C. de; CAMBISES, PAULO B.S.