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Artigo IPEN-doc 27205 Determination of the penumbra width of Elekta SRS cone collimator for 6 MV FF and 6 MV FFF energies using gradient-based edge detection2020 - GROPPO, DANIELA P.; SARAIVA, CRYSTIAN W.C.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E.The dosimetric measurements of small fields of radiation are undertaken with detectors such as: GafchromicTM films, diodes, diamond detectors and ionization chambers of small volumes. The penumbra width, e.g. the spatial distance between 80% and 20% dose, is smaller in small fields. This fact increases the curvature and hence the volume effect in the penumbra region. The accuracy in the penumbra calculation is important at the QA test for implementation of the cranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery. The objective of this work was to apply a Gradient- Based Edge Detection plugin to calculate the penumbra of a radiation beam defined with the Elekta SRS Cone Collimators for beams of 6 MV (Flattening Filter – FF) and 6 MV (Flattening Filter Free – FFF) energies using the beam profile obtained with GafchromicTM film. The results corroborate those from the literature, and they allow a quantitative evaluation of the width of dosimetric penumbra by Gradient-Based Edge Detection.Artigo IPEN-doc 26872 Gamma Knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannomas2020 - SARAIVA, CRYSTIAN W.C.; CARDOSO, SIMONE C.; GROPPO, DANIELA P.; SALLES, ANTONIO A.F. de; AVILA, LUIZ F. de; ROSA, LUIZ A.R. daIntroduction This study explores the possibility of a relationship between the sphericity degree of a target volume with the dose distribution. This relationship is evaluated based on the ratio isodose volume / target volume (IV/TV) and the metrics coverage, i.e., selectivity, gradient index, conformity index and mean dose when planning radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma. Methods Sphericity degree (φ) was calculated for each target volume (TV) of 64 patients who underwent stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for vestibular schwannoma. The calculation of this parameter was developed using the theoretical definition for operational sphericity φ = VP/ VCS. The values found are evaluated considering the following metrics:—Coverage (C), selectivity (S), gradient index (GI), Paddick conformity index (CIPaddick) and dose distribution (IV/TV). The planning was also carried out considering a spherical target volume defined in a spherical phantom. The spherical volume is the same as the target used in the treatment plan. The planning of the spherical target was considered as a reference plan to evaluate the dose distribution inside and outside the volume. Results It was possible to observe that the majority of target volumes has (ϕ) around 0,66–0,77, corresponding to 54,7% of the total. Considering the mean values for metrics, the results are: C = 0,98, S = 0,78, GI = 3,11 and CI = 0,81. The dose distribution was equivalent for treatment plans and reference plans. Quantitative analysis for IV/TV shows that these values are higher than 30% for treatment plans where shot density is large. Conclusion This study demonstrates that de sphericity degree (φ) can be related to the dose distribution (IV/TV). Therefore the sphericity degree is a good parameter to evaluate the dose distribution of a plan for vestibular schwannoma treatment, considering the reference plan as being a spherical target using a leksell gamma knife® perfexion (LGKP). This study shows that the sphericity degree offers important information of the dose distribution outside and inside the target volume. This is not evaluated by the other parameters already implemented as metric to analyzing the GKP plans.Artigo IPEN-doc 20191 Luminescent response from BeO exposed to alpha, beta and X radiations2014 - GROPPO, D.P.; CALDAS, L.V.E.Artigo IPEN-doc 19571 Suitability of topaz glass composites as dosimeters using optically stimulated luminescence technique2013 - SARDAR, M.; SOUZA, D.N.; GROPPO, D.P.; CALDAS, L.V.E.; TUFAIL, M.