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Artigo IPEN-doc 30483 Efeito da irradiação com feixe de elétrons na degradação e remoção de toxicidade da mistura binária de fármacos2023 - TOMINAGA, FLAVIO K.; LEBRE, DANIEL; SILVA, THALITA T.; GARCIA, VANESSA S.G.; BORRELY, SUELI I.Fármacos são compostos biologicamente ativos que têm sido frequentemente detectados em várias matrizes ambientais em baixas concentrações (ng/L a μg/L), apresentando potencial para afetar a qualidade da água e impactar em ecossistemas e na saúde pública. Dentre os diferentes ingredientes ativos, a fluoxetina (antidepressivo) e a ciprofloxacina (antibiótico) tem atraído atenção especialmente devido ao alto risco ecológico e ao desenvolvimento de resistência microbiana, respectivamente. A irradiação por feixe de elétrons tem sido apresentada como uma tecnologia alternativa e ecológica para o tratamento de misturas complexas, podendo neutralizar, quase que instantaneamente, os poluentes com risco biológico. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a aplicação da irradiação por feixe de elétrons na degradação e redução de toxicidade de uma mistura binária de fluoxetina e ciprofloxacina. As irradiações ocorreram em um acelerador industrial de elétrons, sendo avaliadas as doses de 1,0 e 2,5 kGy. A avaliação da toxicidade dos subprodutos formados foi realizada com organismos aquáticos de diferentes níveis tróficos (microcrustáceo Daphnia similis, alga Raphidocelis subcapitata e bactéria Vibrio fischeri). Degradação superior a 98% foram verificados em todas as doses aplicadas para ambos os compostos em mistura. Em relação aos ensaios biológicos, os resultados de toxicidade aguda com o microcrustáceo D. similis (48h de exposição) não demonstraram diferenças significativas após os tratamentos (de 2.07 ± .18 UT para 3.30 ± 0.31 UT em 1.0 kGy e 3.11 ± 0.06 UT em 2.5 kGy). Para os ensaios de toxicidade aguda com a bactéria Vibrio fischeri (15 minutos de exposição), foi demonstrado um aumento da inibição da bioluminescência em 1.0 kGy kGy (de 12,99 ± 3,52% a 41,88 ± 6,23%), seguida e redução em 2,5 kGy (30,74 ± 7,02%), indicando, assim, que as bactérias foram mais sensíveis aos produtos de degradação. Em contrapartida, os ensaios de toxicidade crônica com a alga R. subcapitata mostraram elevada remoção de toxicidade (superior a 98%). A toxicidade reduziu de 119,55 ± 30,01 para 1,77 ± 0,18 UT (1,0 kGy) e 0,88 ± 0,18 (2,5 kGy). Desta forma, a irradiação por feixe de elétrons tem se apresentado como uma alternativa interessante para degradação e remoção de toxicidade de misturas de fármacos.Artigo IPEN-doc 30206 Ecotoxicological assessment of metformin as an antidiabetic water residue treated by electron beam accelerator irradiation2024 - TOMINAGA, FLAVIO K.; JESUS, JULIANA M.S. de; KLANOVICZ, NATALIA; REDIGOLO, MARCELO M.; SILVA, THALITA T.; LEBRE, DANIEL T.; TEIXEIRA, ANTONIO C.S.C.; LEO, PATRICIA; BORRELY, SUELI I.Metformin (MET), an antidiabetic compound, has received increasing attention, as it cannot be effectively removed during conventional wastewater treatment processes and may act as an endocrine disruptor. Electron beam irradiation (EBI) is an eco-friendly process able to degrade and neutralize biohazardous pollution almost instantly. In this context, this study applied EBI to MET degradation and detoxification in aqueous solutions. A 98% MET degradation rate and TOC removal of 19.04 ± 1.20% at a 1.0 kGy EBI dose was obtained, with up to 65% mineralization reached at 5.0 kGy. Toxicity assays were performed with Vibrio fischeri, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Daphnia similis, and the findings indicate that generated byproducts were only more toxic to D. similis. This reveals the need to assess organisms belonging to different trophic levels. A cytotoxic assessment employing Allium cepa roots demonstrated no toxic effects concerning untreated and irradiated samples.Artigo IPEN-doc 29627 Electron beam irradiation applied for the detoxification and degradation of single ciprofloxacin aqueous solution and multiclass pharmaceutical quaternary mixture2023 - TOMINAGA, FLAVIO K.; BOIANI, NATHALIA F.; SILVA, THALITA T.; SANTOS, JONAS G. dos; LEBRE, DANIEL T.; LEO, PATRICIA; BORRELY, SUELI I.The application of electron beam irradiation for detoxification and degradation of single antibiotic ciprofloxacin (CPF) and in a mixture with multiclass pharmaceuticals in aqueous solutions was carried out. Ecotoxicity assays indicated that the green algae were most sensitive to antibiotic and also that the presence of several pharmaceutical increased the toxicity. After the irradiation treatment, degradation results of single antibiotic indicated reduction of 95.86 % at 1.0 kGy. Total organic carbon decreased up to 38 % at 5.0 kGy. At lower doses (1.0 kGy), no effect in toxicity was evidenced, however, increase in toxicity for Vibrio fischeri was observed after 2.5 kGy. For Daphnia similis exposure, an increase in toxicity was noted for all applied doses. In contrast, for the green algae R. subcapitata toxicity reduction varied from 62.3 to 81.9 % at the evaluated doses. Toxicity assays to microbes E. coli and S. aureus reduced antibacterial activity of CPF after irradiation treatment. Regarding the irradiated quaternary mixture at 2.5 kGy, reduction up to 96 % was achieved for the ciprofloxacin, metformin and acetylsalicylic acid, and 81 % removal was achieved for fluoxetine. Acute assays with V. fischeri indicated no increase in toxicity, while some increase was noted for D. similis (acute effects). Nevertheless, chronic assays data indicated low toxicity reduction (14 %) with D. similis, and complete detoxification was shown for the green algae after the irradiation. In addition, decrease in antimicrobial activity was noted after the treatment. Furthermore, the in-silico model was not enough accurate for the prediction of CIP toxicity. These findings showed that electron beam irradiation can be applied for reducing the impacts of antibiotics in aquatic ecosystem. Measuring toxicity on living-organism from different trophic levels are useful tools to evaluate the interaction of mixtures and also to assess toxicity of the generated byproducts.Artigo IPEN-doc 29133 Degradation and toxicity of amoxicillin after electron beam irradiation2022 - BORRELY, S.I.; REDÍGOLO, M.M.; VILLARD, B.D.; LEBRE, D.T.; TOMINAGA, F.K.A recent and growing concern in environmental studies is the presence of antibiotics in wastewater, which contributes to antimicrobial resistance building. Amoxicillin, according to the World Health Organization, is one of the most consumed antibiotics worldwide, for being a first line therapy for common infections. Among several drug degradation methodologies, electron beam irradiation (EBI) is presented as an efficient and green treatment. This work presents data on amoxicillin degradation via EBI. Degradation rate was evaluated by LC/MS-MS, carbon removal efficiency was evaluated by TOC and ecotoxicity assays were performed employing Vibrio fischeri. Chromatographic results indicate an efficiency removal of 97.65% at 0.75 kGy and concentration below the limit of detection with increasing absorbed dose. Low mineralization (up to 10%) was achieved at 3.0 kGy. Regarding toxicity, approximately 81% of toxicity removal was obtained at 0.75 kGy and a decrease in efficiency was achieved with higher doses. In conclusion, results indicate the low doses (0.75 kGy) as most effective for drug removal employing EBI.Artigo IPEN-doc 28201 Degradation and toxicity of amoxicillin after electron beam irradiation2021 - VILLARDI, B.D.; REDÍGOLO, M.M.; TOMINAGA, F.K.; LEBRE, D.T.; BORRELY, S.I.