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Artigo IPEN-doc 25728 In vitro and in vivo toxicity of coal fly Ash Lechatee2018 - DAMASCENO, K.C.; CAVALCANTE, A.K.; MAZIERO, J.S.; MARTINI, G.A.; ORMENIO, M.B.; MAMEDE, F.C.; MIRANDA, C.S.; CAMPELLO, F.A.; IZIDORO, J.C.; ROGERO, S.O.; FUNGARO, D.A.; LOPES-FERREIRA, M.; ROGERO, J.R.Coal Fly ash is a major solid waste from coal-fired power stations. In Brazil, more than 4 million tons per year of fly ash are generated and only 30% is applied as raw material for cement and concrete production. The remaining is disposed in on-site ponds, nearby abandoned or active mine sites and landfills. The inadequate disposal of fly ash may pose a significant risk to the environment due to the possible leaching of hazardous pollutants into the surrounding soil and groundwater. A combination of leaching tests, cytotoxicity and ecotoxicological assays were used in this studyin order toevaluate the possible adverse effects of coal fl y ash in non-target organisms. The sample was collected from coal-fi red power plant located in Southern Brazil and the coal fly ash was submitted to a leaching procedure using USEPA SW 864 Method 1311. The leachate was prepared in six dilutions: 1.56%, 3.12%, 6.25%, 12.5%, 25% and 50%. Acute toxicity tests were performed on NCTC clone 929 (CCIAL-020) culture cells by neutral red uptake cytotoxicity method; acute ecotoxicity usingDaphnia similisand Danio rerio embryos according to ABNT NBR 12713 and OECD 236, respectively were employed. The cytotoxicity index (CI50) obtained was 33%; the EC50of D. similis after 48 h of exposure to the leachate was 7.25% and the LC50of D. rerio after 96 h of exposure was 4.39%. The results of these bioassays indicated toxicity of the coal fly ash leachate toward exposed organisms.Artigo IPEN-doc 24466 Evaluation of resveratrol toxicity in the embryolarval stage of Danio rerio fish2017 - CAVALCANTE, A.K.; LOPES-FERREIRA, M.; ROGERO, S.O.; ROGERO, J.R.Human beings concern about healthy life has driven researchers to study new compounds capable of reaching that desire. Resveratrol (3, 4 ‘, 5-trihydroxystilbene) a phenolic compound, is one of these substances which presents a variety of pharmacological actions, as antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory capacity, protection against heart and cancer diseases. Despite the resveratrol health benefits studies, there is a little evidence of its toxicity in the literature in aquatic organisms, and especially the data on the concentration of resveratrol in the environment, making the present study fundamental for information about resveratrol ecotoxicity in the aquatic system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of resveratrol in embryos and larvae of Danio rerio (zebrafish). The in vitro cytotoxicity and ecotoxicity assays were performed. The IC50 obtained in the NCTC-L929 cell line cytotoxicity assay was 38.5 mg L-1. The LC50 (96h) obtained in fish embryo toxicity test was 75.3 mg L-1 and the mean value of resveratrol LC50 (168h) obtained in the short-term chronic ecotoxicity assays performed with zebrafish larvae was 51.4 mg L-1. This work provided data on the toxicity of resveratrol in the embryonic stage of fish of the species Danio rerio and the toxic effects are dependent on its concentration.