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Artigo IPEN-doc 30789 Evaluation of the potential for greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) emissions in the southern São Paulo coastal region, Cananéia-Iguape system2024 - ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; CORREA, THAIS; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; MACEDO, FERNANDA de M.; MARQUES, MARCIA T.; ANDRADE, THAIS; SOUTO-OLIVEIRA, CARLOS E.; BRAGA, ELISABETE S.; ANDRADE, MARIA de F.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThe emissions of CH4 and CO2, the primary greenhouse gases, have a significant impact on radiative forcing. This study investigated these gases along the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine system on the southern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, which is a mangrove region characterized by low anthropogenic impact and a sparse population. As such, this area provides an ideal location for identifying natural emissions and background concentrations. The data for this study were collected using a portable gas analyzer (LGRICOSTM GLA131), known for its high sensitivity and precision in detecting gases, mounted on a research boat. The results obtained were promising for both gases. A small variability in CH4 concentrations was observed along the route, ranging from 1.84 ppm to 1.95 ppm, while CO2, showed greater variation in values obtained during routes, ranging from approximately 411 ppm to 575 ppm. This study underscores the importance of investigating areas with minimal environmental impact. Together with future analyses, this research should help improve Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories in Brazil by providing valuable baseline data for comparisons with more impacted areas.Artigo IPEN-doc 30209 Comparison of PBL heights from ceilometer measurements and greenhouse gases concentrations in São Paulo2023 - SANTOS, AMANDA V. dos; ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; CORREA, THAIS; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; SOUTO-OLIVEIRA, CARLOS E.; LEONARDO, NOELE F.; MACEDO, FERNANDA de M.; SOUZA, GIOVANNI; LOPES, PEROLA P. de Q.; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; ANDRADE, MARIA de F.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis paper presents a study conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, where the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) was determined using ceilometer data and the wavelet covariance transform method. The retrieved PBLH values were subsequently compared with the concentrations of CO2 and CH4 measured at three distinct experimental sites in the city. The period of study was July 2021. This study also included a comparison between ceilometer data and lidar data, which demonstrated the favorable applicability of the ceilometer data for PBLH estimation. An examination of the correlation between changes in average CO2 concentrations and PBLH values revealed stronger correlations for the IAG and UNICID stations, with correlation coefficients (ρ) of approximately −0.86 and −0.85, respectively, in contrast to the Pico do Jaraguá station, which exhibited a lower correlation coefficient of −0.42. When assessing changes in CH4 concentrations against variations in PBL height, the retrieved correlation coefficients were approximately −0.78 for IAG, −0.66 for UNICID, and −0.38 for Pico do Jaraguá. The results indicated that CO2/CH4 concentrations are negatively correlated with PBL heights, with CO2 concentrations showing more significant correlation than CH4 . Additionally, among the three measurement stations, IAG measurements displayed the most substantial correlation. The results from this study contribute to the understanding of the relationship between PBLH and greenhouse gas concentrations, emphasizing the potential of remote sensing systems like ceilometers in monitoring and studying atmospheric processes.Resumo IPEN-doc 28971 Methane determination in São Paulo coastal regions using the Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technique2021 - CORREA, THAIS; MACEDO, FERNANDA M.; ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; ANDRADE, IZABEL S.; GOMES, ANTONIO A.; SILVA, JONATAN; LANDULFO, EDUARDOMethane is one of the main greenhouse gases due to its high radiation absorption capacity. The increase in methane emissions from anthropogenic sources causes concern in the entire scientific community due to the aggregated uncertainties, generating several works focused on the identification and quantification of generating sources. This work aims to quantify methane in two distinct regions, the first study region is in Cubatão city, located in the São Paulo coast. It is an important petrochemical complex with high industrial activities and environmental impact, presenting 25 large companies in the chemical sector, distributed in an area of 143 Km2. Another region observed is Intanhaém, on the coast of the state of São Paulo. This region doesn´t present industrial activity and has a low population index. The technique used to detect methane in the atmosphere was Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), which consists on analysis of atmospheric components, in a small cavity that has a laser and high reflectivity mirrors of 99.999%, allowing the signal travel for kilometers inside the cavity, in a short time, increasing the sensitivity of detection of compounds in the sample.Resumo IPEN-doc 28967 Preliminary study of greenhouse gases in the Santos Basin2021 - ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; MACEDO, FERNANDA de M.; CORREA, THAIS; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThe production of oil and gas onshore and offshore are associated with significant emissions of greenhouse gases, as the entire production chain of oil exploration is a potential source of emission of these gases, especially CH4, which is in almost all stages of the process However, few data is available on emissions from oil exploration platforms in Brazil, despite the increase in oil production on the Brazilian coast since 2008 with the implementation of the Pre-Salt program, which aims to explore oil in the pre-salt layer. Between the explored areas is the Santos Basin which occupies about 350,000 km2 and is located in the southeast region of the Brazilian continental margin, approximately 290 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro and encompasses the coastlines of the States of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo , Paraná and Santa Catarina, with boundaries to the north with the Campos Basin by the Alto de Cabo Frio and to the south by the Pelotas Basin by the Florianópolis Platform. Better understanding the ocean-atmosphere interactions in the Santos Basin region, specifically in the coastal area of São Paulo, a temporal analysis was performed using data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument, which provides data on active burning and from Sentinel-5P (Sentinel 5 Precursor satellite) which brings information from several chemical species, such as NO2 and CH4.Artigo IPEN-doc 28401 Methane detection in the lower troposphere related to the burning of biomass and leakage in a petrochemical pole, using Raman lidar technique2021 - MACEDO, FERNANDA de M.; CORREA, THAIS; ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; GUARDANI, ROBERTO; VESELOVSKII, IGOR; LANDULFO, EDUARDOFugitive emissions, defined as unintended or irregular leaks of gases and vapors, are an important source of pollutants to the atmosphere, which is difficult to monitor and control. These sources are present in different sites, especially in regions that are growing in size and economic activity. In this study, we present the results of the capability to detect methane profiles at low troposphere combining data retrieval correlations between a rotacional/vibracional Raman lidar (RVRL) and a cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS). The measurements were made at two different sites, metropolitan area of São Paulo (MSP) and industrial area of Cubatão (IC). The lidar is based on a tripled Nd:YAG laser with a 20 Hz repetition rate, operating on the 355 nm wavelength elastic channel, the 353 nm and 396 nm wavelength inelastic channels. A measurement protocol was established, considering acquisition time for signal accumulation, climatic conditions and data above and below the planetary boundary layer. The idea was to establish specific measurement procedures for situations related to product leakage in the oil process and natural events, such as biomass burning. With over 150 hours of data acquisition, the results pointed the possibility of analyzing data from distances up to 1500 m with an initial resolution of 7.5 m which was extended to 100 - 300 m after data smoothing for obtaining final results. The concentration was calculated from the ratio between the methane Raman backscatter signal and the nitrogen signal, at 396 nm and 353 nm, respectively. The temporal variation of methane concentrations was correlated with CRDS data, in order to obtain a first degree calibration.