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Artigo IPEN-doc 26346 Status of the development of a fuel assembly decay heat calorimeter for the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor2019 - PRADO, ADELK C.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A.; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; TORRES, WALMIR M.; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, ANTONIO; PENHA, ROSANI M.L.The heat release due to decay of fission products following a nuclear reactor shutdown is important matter for determining cooling requirements as well as for predicting postulated accident consequences. Accurate evaluation of decay heat can also potentially provide independent data for the cross examination of fuel burnup calculations, which is useful where few resources are available for examination of spent fuel. The evaluation of decay heat from unloaded fuel assemblies of the IEA R1 research reactor was proposed in order to seize that opportunity. With that purpose a special measuring device is under development at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN). Since average heat flux as low as 0.1W/cm2 is expected and since decay heat release must be accurately evaluated, the device design had to overcome the difficulties of measuring small amounts of heat released over a large boundary surface. The design had also to ensure the safe cooling of the fuel assemblies and proper radiological protection for the personnel. In view of the tight constraints, a novel design was adopted. The device features a submersible measurement chamber, which allows all measurement procedures to be performed without removing the fuel assemblies from the reactor pool, and an array of semiconductor thermoelectric modules, which provides highly accurate decay power measurements. The assemblage of the device is currently in progress, the main parts have already been acquired or manufactured and key components passed partial tests. Commissioning and main experiments will be performed up to the end of 2019.Artigo IPEN-doc 11912 Influence of the model size in the numerical determination of the average thermal stresses in an MMC composite2011 - MIRANDA, C.A.J.; LIBARDI, R.M.P.; MARCELINO, S.; BOARI, Z.M. deArtigo IPEN-doc 19293 Average thermal stress in the Al+SiC compiste due to its manufacturing process2013 - MIRANDA, CARLOS A.J.; LIBARDI, ROSANI M.P.; MARCELINO, SERGIO; BOARI, ZOROASTRO M.Artigo IPEN-doc 19464 Analysis framework to calibrate a numerical model to simulate the thermal test of a 1:2 scale dual purpose cask under accident conditions2013 - MIRANDA, CARLOS A.J.; LIBARDI, ROSANI M.P.; MARCELINO, SERGIO; OLIVEIRA, CARLOS A. de; MATTAR NETO, MIGUELArtigo IPEN-doc 15299 Particles geometry influence in the thermal stress level in an SiC reinforced aluminium matrix composite considering the material non-linear behavior2009 - MIRANDA, CARLOS A. de J.; LIBARDI, ROSANI M.P.; BOARI, ZOROASTRO de M.Artigo IPEN-doc 15277 Thermal hydraulic phenomenology for the heating process in a natural circulation facility2009 - TORRES, WALMIR M.; MACEDO, LUIZ A.; MESQUITA, ROBERTO N.; MASOTTI, PAULO H.F.; LIBARDI, ROSANI M.P.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A.; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; CONTI, THADEU N.; FILHO, MAURO F.S.; MELO, GABRIEL R.Artigo IPEN-doc 17318 Influence of the model size in the numerical determination of the average thermal stresses in an MMC composite2011 - MIRANDA, CARLOS A. de J.; LIBARDI, ROSANI M.P.; MARCELINO, SERGIOArtigo IPEN-doc 15394 Two-phase flow patterns recognition and parameters estimation through natural circulation test loop image analysis2009 - MESQUITA, R.N.; LIBARDI, R.M.P.; MASOTTI, P.H.F.; SABUNDJIAN, G.; ANDRADE, D.A.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; TORRES, W.M.; CONTI, T.N.; MACEDO, L.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 06831 Analise de sinais transientes aplicando a transformada de wavelet2000 - PENHA, R.M.L.; OLIVEIRA NETO, J.M.; SILVA, A.A.; TING, D.K.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 06923 Safety of research reactors: sensors and actuators fault detection and isolation in nuclear research reactors2000 - GONCALVES, I.M.P.; PENHA, R.M.L.; RUBIN, G.A.