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Artigo IPEN-doc 22310 Mercury and methylmercury in the children hair and fish mostly consumed in Cubatão, São Paulo state, Brazil2014 - FARIAS, LUCIANA A.; FAVARO, DEBORAH I.T.; OLIVEIRA, PAULO T.M.S.; BRAGA, ELISABETE de S.Artigo IPEN-doc 19528 Preliminary compositional evidence of provenance of ceramics from Hatahara Archaeological Site, Central Amazonia2013 - NUNES, K.P.; TOYOTA, R.G.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; NEVES, E.G.; SOARES, E.A.A.; MUNITA, C.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 14258 Characterization of soil samples according to their metal content2009 - NUNES, K.P.; MUNITA, C.S.; VASCONCELLOS, M.B.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; CROCI, C.A.; FALEIROS, F.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 14079 The archaeometry study of the chemical and mineral composition of pottery from Brasil's Northeast2009 - SANTOS, J.O.; MUNITA, C.S.; TOYOTA, R.G.; VERGNE, C.; SILVA, R.S.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 07041 Intercomparison among three activation analysis laboratories in South America2001 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; PAIVA, R.P.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MOMOSE, E.F.; PLA, R.; MORENO, M.; ANDONIE, O.; FALABELLA, F.; MUNOZ, L.; KOHNENKAMP, I.Artigo IPEN-doc 07066 Contribution of neutron activation analysis to archaelogical studies2000 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; PAIVA, R.P.; ALVES, M.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MOMOSE, E.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 09588 Provenance study of archaeological ceramic2003 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; PAIVA, R.P.; ALVES, M.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MOMOSE, E.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 11721 Determination of trace elements in archaeological ceramics and application of Kernel dernsity estimates: implications for the definition of production locations2006 - SANTOS, J.O.; SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.; VALERIO, M.E.G.; VERGNE, C.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 11723 Stopping rule for variable selection using stepwise discriminant analysis2006 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.; BARROSO, L.P.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 14270 Comparative study between three methods of outlying detection on experimental results2010 - OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MUNITA, C.S.; HAZENFRATZ, R.