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Artigo IPEN-doc 30531 Analysis of hydrothermal quartz from states Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia and Minas Gerais induced by gamma radiation2024 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; GUTTLER, RAINER A.S.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 28280 Studies of hydrothermal quartz from Ametista do Sul treated with gamma radiation2021 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; GUTTLER, RAINER A.S.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 24183 Gamma radiation of quartz from Entre Rios (SC) and Quaraí (RS)2017 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; SCHULTZ-GUTTLER, RAINER A.; RELA, PAULO R.The availability of gamma ray irradiators in Brazil increased the possibilities of treatments of gemstones for color enhancements. One of the minerals with a very high potential of these treatments is quartz, a very widespread mineral with many colored commercial varieties. A specific variety of quartz showing a green color in nature or induced artificially by radiation gamma (60Co) is quite rare. In Brazil the widely scattered geode occurrences along a 600 km stretch from Quaraí at Brazil southernmost tip to Uberlandia in Minas Gerais is one of these. Quartz from these occurrences have been formed by strong hydrothermal activities. That way much quartz crystals showed a very fast growth history facilitating the formation of growth defects and the uptake of water in form of micro inclusions, molecular water, silanol (Si-OH) and OH. In the present work the material analyzed is from hydrothermal regimes located near the towns Entre Rios (SC) and Quaraí (RS). To characterize these materials analyses have been made by ICP, NAA, electron microscopy, water loss techniques and UV-VIS and NIR-FTIR spectroscopic measurements. Silanol complexes are found, which by radiation due to gamma rays form the color center NBOHC (Non-Bonding Oxygen Hole Center), showing absorption between 590 to 620 nm and leaving a transmission window at about 550nm, responsible for the green color. The spectroscopic water determination showed less molecular water (up to 2300 ppm by weight), probably due to remaining silanol complexes.The water content with up to 3200 ppm by weight exceeds the amount of charge balancing cations (Fe, Al, Li).Artigo IPEN-doc 20962 Characterization of hydrothermal green quartz produced by gamma radiation2015 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; SCHULTZ-GUTTLER, RAINER A.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 19428 Development of an isotropic underwater device for color enhancement of gemstones2013 - SANTOS, PAULO S.; FERNANDES, VAGNER; ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; CALVO, WILSON A.P.; VASQUEZ, PABLO A.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 08866 Sistema de controle e contabilidade de materiais nucleares no IPEN-CNEN/SP2002 - ARAUJO, J.A.; ENOKIHARA, C.T.Artigo IPEN-doc 16879 Montezuma prasiolite: gamma radiation effects2011 - GUTTLER, RAINER A.S.; ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; HELFENBERGER, ANDRE F.M.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 11962 Gamma irradiation of quartz from Parana basin, South America2007 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; GUTTLER, RAINER A.S.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 15185 Characterization of color centers in quartz induced by gamma irradiation2009 - GUTTLER, RAINER A.S.; ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; RELA, PAULO R.Artigo IPEN-doc 19644 Studies of colored varieties of brazilian quartz produced by gamma radiation2013 - ENOKIHARA, CYRO T.; SCHULTZ GUTTER, RAINER A.; RELA, PAULO R.; CALVO, WILSON A.P.