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Artigo IPEN-doc 30668 Algorithm method for chemical analysis elemental by WDXRF technique2024 - SCAPIN, M.A.; TESSARI-ZAMPIERI, M.C.; COTRIM, M.E.B.Artigo IPEN-doc 30214 Fingerprint of precious metals ornaments to post-mortem inventory by energy dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry2023 - TESSARI-ZAMPIERI. MARIA C.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B.; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.Quantitative analysis of metal alloys in ornaments can reveal relevant aspects about the substrates used in the manufacturing process. Fifty-three female ornaments (chains, rings, and earrings) were identified as jewelry and semi-jewelry using EDRFX. Twenty-three samples were identified and evaluated as jewelry because they had a substrate composed of different concentrations of gold (40-83%) ranging from 10 to 21 carats. This study can be considered the first to use EDRFX to analyze jewelry and semi-jewelry for post-mortem inventory, and substrate composition was decisive for fingerprinting the valuation of each artifact.Resumo IPEN-doc 29170 Espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X2022 - SCAPIN, M.A.; TESSARI, M.C.Z.; COTRIM, M.E.B.Resumo IPEN-doc 29159 Materialidade do tema proteção radiológica em programas de sustentabilidade ASG (Ambiental, Social e Governança)2022 - TESSARI-ZAMPIERI, M.C.; SANTIAGO, A.F.; COTRIM, M.E.B.A materialidade é uma metodologia eficaz para identificar e estimar passíveis Ambiental, Social e Governança (ASG). As organizações utilizam a matriz de materialidade apenas para cumprir os requisitos do GRI, podendo gerar matriz incompleta e inconsistente. Os resultados de acordo, de acordo com o GRI para o parâmetro “radiação” encontra-se diversos temas de sustentabilidade onde as questões de proteção radiológica devem ser abordadas, como saúde e segurança do trabalho, avaliação ambiental de fornecedores, conformidade ambiental, comunidades locais, resíduos e abordagem de gestão. A elaboração de uma matriz de materialidade para as organizações que manipulam elementos radiológicos, com a devida identificação das partes interessadas necessita de métodos previamente definidos para que possam ser repetidos e revisados periodicamente, e desta forma, possibilitando demonstrar a evolução das preocupações com a sustentabilidade e seu alinhamento com as necessidades estratégias das organizações.Artigo IPEN-doc 28873 Metrological aspects of platinum group elements atmospheric deposition in roadside tree leaves2022 - TESSARI-ZAMPIERI, M.C.; SARKIS, J.E.S.; BARBIERI, C.B.Atmospheric pollution is one of the main concerns in modern society and it poses a direct impact on the environment and public health. Therefore, an enormous number of environmental samples are collected and analyzed around the world on a daily basis. In order to obtain reliable and comparable results, it is paramount to establish a well-defined protocol for environmental sampling and analysis considering the more relevant variations associated with these activities and the processes that affect the distribution of the analytes in the environment. The present case study proposes a protocol to determine the amounts of the platinum group elements (PGEs: palladium, platinum, rhodium) due to atmospheric deposition in Tibouchina granulosa leaves that takes into account the estimation of measurement uncertainties including the sampling component. The samples were collected at a standardized height, in the second node of the branches, with approximately 2 months of environmental exposure. The particulate matter was extracted from the leaf surface by acid leaching using an ultrasonic bath followed by aqua regia digestion. Platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh) were separated from impurities by cation chromatography and analyzed by ICP-MS. The measurement uncertainties found were in the range of 24 to 33% while the analytical uncertainty lied between 4.5 and 7.3%. The results were expressed regarding metrological aspects, with the expanded uncertainty, within a 95% confidence level, to allow for a more robust interpretation of their relevance in the environmental and regulatory context.Artigo IPEN-doc 25779 Histopathological changes in zebrafish exposed to sublethal concentrations of 89nm silver nanoparticles for application in environmental diagnostics2020 - AZEVEDO, JULIANA de S.; QUINTINO, MARILIA T.A.; ROGERO, SIZUE O.; ZAMPIERI, MARIA C.T.; ROGERO, JOSE R.The use of biomarkers as indicators of environmental contamination has been shown to be an excellent indicator of changes in biota. Histopathological lesions are commonly used in biomonitoring studies as they provide information regarding both acute and chronic exposure. The use of nanoparticle materials has been widespread in recent years. However, not much is known about their ecological effects on the natural environment. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the sublethal effects of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) with mean diameters of 89nm in the zebrafish Danio rerio by the determination of the LC50; 48 h and histopathological assays in gills. The obtained LC50; 48 h was 8.18 mgL 1. The histopathological gill assessment showed primary responses indicative of acute damage as aneurysms (32.76%), hyperplasia (20.69%) and partial (30.17%) and total lamellar fusion (6.9%) of secondary lamellae. No deposition of AgNP was observed in any tested sample gills, suggesting other organs target to absorption and detoxification. In fact, the AgNP causes sublethal damage in the gills of zebrafish but is not able to accumulate in this tissue. Finally, the data shown in this study contribute to the construction of a database on the AgNP exposure in aquatic organisms.Resumo IPEN-doc 24580 The use of Eisenia fetida as bioindicator of nuclear activities2017 - ZAMPIERI, M.C.T.; SARKIS, J.E.S.Environmental sampling is one of the most important measures to strengthen the nuclear safeguard system. The collection of environmental samples, in context of the safeguard, aims to reveal information on treated materials and declared or even undeclared activities, as well. Usually two steps are involved, the first to establish the environmental fingerprint of the installation under observation, the second is to obtain compared these values with the environmental signatures. This strategy can also be used in nuclear forensic investigations. Samplings can be performed inside, outside or even near the facility under investigation, on surfaces, air, water, sediments, vegetation, soil and the local biota. In soil the earthworm is part of the biota, assimilating the metallic components during feeding or by skin absorption. The Eisenia fetida earthworm belongs to the Annelida Phylum, Oligochaete Class, the species known as California redworm, in Brazil, is widely used for the production of humus, since it has great ability to convert little decomposed organic residues into stabilized material. In the literature it has been already reported the ability of E. fetida to bioacumulate several metals including uranium and other radionuclides. In this project we are studying the ability of E. fetida to identify nuclear signatures and its ability to be used as biomonitor in nuclear safeguards and nuclear forensic investigations.Artigo IPEN-doc 24221 Gladius and its derivatives as potential biosorbents for marine diesel oil2017 - PRETO, MAYRA F.; CAMPANA-FILHO, SERGIO P.; FIAMINGO, ANDERSON; COSENTINO, IVANA C.; TESSARI-ZAMPIERI, MARIA C.; ABESSA, DENIS M.S.; ROMERO, AGATA F.; BORDON, ISABELLA C.The demand for low cost and effective materials to remove contaminants such as residues of oil spills has encouraged studies on new biosorbents produced from wastes. Considering the overgeneration of fishing residues and the necessity to provide an alternative purpose for such materials, this study aimed to evaluate squid gladius and its derivatives (β-chitin and chitosan) as sorbents to remove marine diesel oil (MDO) from fresh and artificial seawater. It was also executed an attempted to improve their performances through a highintensity ultrasound treatment (UT-gladius and UT-β-chitin). All sorbents removed MDO at both salinities. Contact surface area, salinity, and water retention seemed to play a key role in the outcomes. UT-β-chitin’s performance was significantly superior to β-chitin’s and chitosan’s in MDO removal at salinity 0, as well as at salinity 30, where gladius and UT-gladius also excelled. Ultrasound treatment improved the oil removal performance of UT-β-chitin by increasing its contact surface area. This is the first report on the efficiency of gladius and UT-β-chitin for such purpose, and brought up huge possibilities and new questions that can lead to the achievement of biosorbents of great efficiency.Artigo IPEN-doc 19501 Preliminary study of quaresmeira (tibouchina granulosa (descr.) cong.) as biomonitor in the city of São Paulo2013 - ZAMPIERI, MARIA C.T.; SARKIS, JORGE E.S.; PESTANA, RAFAEL C.B.; TAVARES, ARMANDO R.; MELO de PINNA, GLADYS F.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 19642 Characterization of Tibouchina granulosa (desr.) Cong. (Melastomataceae) as biomonitor of air pollution and quantification of particulate matter adsorbed by leves2013 - ZAMPIERI, MARIA C.T.; SARKIS, JORGE E.S.; PESTANA, RAFAEL C.B.; TAVARES, ARMANDO R.; MELO de PINNA, GLADYS F.A.The main anatomical features of Tibouchina granulosa (Desr.) Cong. (Melastomataceae) have been investigated in order to assess the potential of the species as a possible biomonitor of air pollution in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Various types of trichomes located on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaves of this ornamental tree were able to adsorb particulate matter (PM) within the size range 2.5–100 m. Following dry or wet deposition, the particles remained adsorbed to the leaves and did not return to the environment under normal weather conditions. The numbers of particles adsorbed per unit area of leaf differed significantly depending on the location at which the samples were collected. Leaves from a relatively unpolluted site located in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest within the city of São Paulo showed the lowest particle density, while samples collected in the city centers of São Paulo and Cubatão presented the highest numbers of particles with aerodynamic sizes <2.5 and 2.5–10 m. It is concluded that T. granulosa may be employed as a passive biomonitor, thereby offering a valuable alternative for monitoring air pollution and spatial–temporal evaluation of PM composition. Additionally, landscape cultivation of T. granulosa in inner-city areas may help to improve the quality of air by reducing the concentration of harmful PM2.5 and PM10.