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Artigo IPEN-doc 10992 Visual inspection and sipping of the IAA-R1 irradiated MTR fuel assemblies2001 - SILVA, J.E.R.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; TEODORO, C.A.; DAMY, M.A.; CASTANHEIRA, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 10634 Design and construction of an irradiation apparatus with controlled atmosphere and temperature for radiation damage evaluation of nuclear materials in the IEA-R1 research reactor2005 - LUCKI, G.; SILVA, J.E.R.; CASTANHEIRA, M.; TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; TEODORO, C.A.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; DAMY, M.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 10685 Acompanhamento da irradiacao dos elementos combustiveis do reator IEA-R12005 - DAMY, M.A.; TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; SILVA, J.E.R.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; TEODORO, C.A.; LUCKI, G.; CASTANHEIRA, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 10696 Characterization of spent fuel elements stored at IEA-R1 research reactor based on visual inspections and sipping tests2005 - SILVA, J.E.R.; TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; TEODORO, C.A.; CASTANHEIRA, M.; LUCKI, G.; DAMY, M.A.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.Artigo IPEN-doc 12174 A model for release of fission products from a breached fuel plate under wet storage2007 - TERREMOTO, LUIS A.A.; SEERBAN, R.S.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; SILVA, J.E.R.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO; CASTANHEIRA, MYRTHES; LUCKI, GEORGI; DAMY, M. de A.; TEODORO, C.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 12168 Non destructive testing of irradiated fuel assemblies at the IEA-R1 research reactor2007 - SILVA, JOSE E.R. da; TERREMOTO, LUIS A.A.; CASTANHEIRA, MYRTHES; TEODORO, CELSO A.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO; DAMY, MARGARET de A.; LUCKI, GEORGIArtigo IPEN-doc 13217 A model for release of fission products from a breached fuel plate under wet storage2008 - TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; SEERBAN, R.S.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; SILVA, J.E.R. da; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; CASTANHEIRA, M.; LUCKI, G.; DAMY, M. de A.; TEODORO, C.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 12260 Qualification program of research reactor fuels manufactured at IPEN-CNEN/SP2008 - TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; SILVA, J.E.R.; ALMEIDA, C.T.; DAMY, M.A.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; YAMAGUCHI, M.In the last years, IPEN-CNEN/SP has developed the project, technical specifications and the manufacturing of U3O8-Al and U3Si2-Al dispersion fuels. Non-destructive analysis techniques have been an important part of the qualification program of these fuels. Today, for utilization in the IEA-R1 research reactor core of IPEN, the U3O8-Al fuel is qualified up to a uranium density of 2.3 gU/cm3 and the U3Si2-Al fuel up to a uranium density of 3.0 gU/cm3. Also, analogous to the qualification process of U3O8-Al and U3Si2-Al fuels, an extended bibliography revision on the irradiation performance of U-Mo alloy dispersed in aluminum matrix (Al) was carried out to establish a set of parameters that could help in the definition of the technical specifications for manufacturing of this type of fuel at IPEN aiming its posterior utilization in the IEA-R1 reactor. The irradiation performance aspects were associated to the neutronic and thermal-hydraulics aspects in order to propose a new core configuration to the IEA-R1 research reactor using U-Mo dispersion fuels. Core configurations using U-10Mo-Al fuels with uranium densities ranging from 3 to 8 gU/cm3 were analyzed with the computational programs CITATION and MTRCR-IEA-R1. Core configurations for fuels with uranium densities ranging from 3 to 5 gU/cm3 showed to be adequate to be used in IEA-R1 reactor and would present a stable in-reactor performance even at high burnup.