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Artigo IPEN-doc 12174 A model for release of fission products from a breached fuel plate under wet storage2007 - TERREMOTO, LUIS A.A.; SEERBAN, R.S.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; SILVA, J.E.R.; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, ANTONIO; CASTANHEIRA, MYRTHES; LUCKI, GEORGI; DAMY, M. de A.; TEODORO, C.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 13217 A model for release of fission products from a breached fuel plate under wet storage2008 - TERREMOTO, L.A.A.; SEERBAN, R.S.; ZEITUNI, C.A.; SILVA, J.E.R. da; TEIXEIRA e SILVA, A.; CASTANHEIRA, M.; LUCKI, G.; DAMY, M. de A.; TEODORO, C.A.