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Artigo IPEN-doc 06927 Monte Carlo burnup analysis of the nuclear research reactor IEAR-1 using MCNP-4B code2000 - CABEZAS SOLORZANO, R.; YORIYAZ, H.; SANTOS, A.; YAMAGUCHI, M.Artigo IPEN-doc 13635 Investigation of the role of the breakup process on the fusion and scattering of weakly bound projectile induced reactions2000 - GOMES, P.R.S.; MORAES, S.B.; ALVES, J.J.S.; MACIEL, A.M.M.; ANJOS, R.M.; LUBIAN, J.; MURI, C.; SANT'ANNA, M.M.; PADRON, I.; CABEZAS, R.; LIGUORI NETO, R.; ADDED, N.