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Capítulo IPEN-doc 06350 Effects of He-Ne polarized laser radiation on skin wounds repair: a morphological study1997 - RIBEIRO, M.S.; ZEZELL, D.M.; CARBONE, K.; PELLEGRINI, C.M.R.; ZORN, T.M.T.Capítulo IPEN-doc 10952 Laser em baixa intensidade2004 - RIBEIRO, M.S.; ZEZELL, D.M.Artigo IPEN-doc 11809 PDT antimicrobiana em odontologia: mecanismos e aplicações2007 - NUNEZ, S.C.; GARCEZ, A.S.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 10757 Pre-polimerizacao de misturas acrilicas via irradiacao gama2005 - CARDOSO, E.C.L.; GERALDES, A.N.; RIBEIRO, M.S.; SANTOS, W.V.C.; PARRA, D.F.; LUGAO, A.B.The continuous development of composites is essential to provide the adequacy of their properties to innumerable applications, either in medicine or in civil construction areas. Previous studies were concerned to a pre-polimerization of acrylic mixtures, in order to hinder the decantation of inorganic charges via irradiation. The success of the experiment, confirmed by MEV inspections, fostered the continuity of trials, by assessing too polyester resin and its combination with acrylics and inorganic loads, all of formulations being subjected to gamma radiation, within 3.0 to 15 kGy doses. Gel extractions tests indicated a trend for higher performance in terms of crosslinking, for samples containing inorganic charges. Within 7.5 to 15 kGy doses, samples containing polyester presented excellent results for gel extraction: 84.65 to 95.19%, when compared to samples comprising just acrylics. Samples comprising acrylics, irradiated at 3.0 kGy, failed when tested as per gel extraction, i.e., dissolved completely in acetone, solvent commonly used for the extraction. Furthermore, there will be required further assessments, for all combinations studied, besides investigating crosslinking agents, which showed a non-expected poor gel fraction results, when combined with acrylics. In addition, these crosslinking agents will be formulated with polyester resin, to complete the present study. Further evaluations will consider gamma radiation doses within a 3.0 – 7.5 kGy range.Artigo IPEN-doc 15675 Prevention of bloodstream infections by photodynamic inactivation of multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in burn wounds2010 - HASHIMOTO, M.C.E.; PRATES, R.A.; TOFFOLI, D.J.; COURROL, L.C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 18741 Modelo de estudo in vitro da distribuição da luz em infecções de biofilme de Candida albicans2012 - NUNEZ, S.C.; SABINO, C.P.; GARCEZ, A.S.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 18516 Desenvolvimento de um modelo in vivo para o estudo do efeito fotodinâmico em infecção fúngica2012 - RIBEIRO, M.S.; KATO, I.T.; SABINO, C.P.; SANTOS, C.C.; PRATES, R.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 19444 The influence on N-butyl mercaptan on acrylic compounds obtained winder 'gamma'-gamma radiation2013 - RIBEIRO, MARCOS S.; PARRA, DUCLERC F.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.Artigo IPEN-doc 14341 Photodynamic inactivation of antibiotic resistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vivo2009 - HASHIMOTO, M.C.E.; TOFFOLI, D.J.; PRATES, R.A.; COURROL, LILIA C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Burns are frequently contamined by pathogenic microorganisms and the widespread occurrence of antibiotic resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitals is a matter of growing concern. Hypocrellin B (HB) is a new generation photosensitizer extracted from the fungus Hypocrella bambusae with absorption bands at 460, 546 and 584 nm. Lanthanide ions change the HB molecular structure and a red shift in the absorption band is observed as well as an increase in the singlet oxygen quantum yield. In this study, we report the use of HB:La+3 to kill resistant strain of P. aeruginosa infected burns. Burns were produced on the back of mice and wounds were infected subcutaneously with 1x109 cfu/mL of P. aeruginosa. Three-hours after inoculation, the animals were divided into 4 groups: control, HB:La+3, blue LED and HB:La+3+blue LED. PDT was performed using 10µM HB:La+3 and 500mW light-emitting diode (LED) emitting at λ=470nm±20nm during 120s. The animals of all groups were killed and the infected skin was removed for bacterial counting. Mice with photosensitizer alone, light alone or untreated infected wounds presented 1x108 cfu/g while mice PDT-treated showed a reduction of 2 logs compared to untreated control. These results suggest that HB:La+3 associated to blue LED is effective in diminishing antibiotic resistant strain P. aeruginosa in infected burns.Artigo IPEN-doc 07110 Transporte de material radioativo no IPEN-CNEN/SP2001 - RODRIGUES, D.L.; SANCHES, M.P.; MITAKE, M.B.; RIBEIRO, M.S.; SUZUKI, F.F.; KODAMA, Y.Transporte é uma parte importante na indústria nuclear de todo o mundo e os registros referentes à segurança no transporte de materiais radioativos são excelentes. Os resultados extraordinários alcançados quanto aos índices de segurança resultam do esforço desenvolvido por organizações governamentais e intergovernamentais e pelo profissionalismo da indústria nuclear. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma visão geral das atividades relativas ao transporte de material radioativo no IPEN-CNEN/SP. Em particular, discute-se a legislação aplicada, as responsabilidades e deveres da autoridade competente. Descreve-se, também, as categorias dos materiais radioativos transportados e as exigências para o transporte seguro destes materiais radioativos.