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Artigo IPEN-doc 27614 Main experiments performed at the IPEN/MB-01 RR using UO2 fuel rods core2020 - BITELLI, U.D.; COELHO, P.R.P.; FERREIRA, P.S.B.; ALVES, M.A.P.; SILVA, A.A.; SANTOS, A.; DINIZ, R.; JEREZ, R.; FUGA, R.; FANARO, L.C.C.B.; KURAMOTO, R.; ABE, A.; LAMBIASI, B.; GIADA, M.; FER, N.; MARTINS, F.; MURA, L.; SANTOS, D.F.; AREDES, V.; MAEDA, R.; GONNELI, E.; SILVA, A.F.P.; PURGATO, R.; GONÇALVES, L.B.; SILVA, G.S.A.; PINTO, L.; SOUZA, G.This paper aims to show the main experimental utilization of the IPEN/MB-01 zero power reactor during the last 30 years with 3663 operations cycles. The IPEN/MB-01 reactor it was mainly used to validation of calculation methodology used in nuclear reactor cores design.Artigo IPEN-doc 12199 Meassurements of the neutron spectrum energy in the ipen/mb01 reactor core using several activation foils2007 - BITELLI, ULYSSES D.; MARTINS, FERNANDO P.G.This work presents the final results of neutron spectrum measurements at central position of the IPEN/MB-01 reactor core. For this purpose has been used several activation foils (Au, Sc, U, Mg, Ti, Ni and In Foils) that have been irradiated at central position of the reactor core (standard rectangular configuration 28x26 fuel rods) in the maximum power level (100 W). After this one the foils were counting at HPGe solid state detector (gamma spectrometry). The nuclear reaction rates experimental results (saturated activity per target nucleus) is together with an initial approach to the neutron reactor spectrum (estimated by reactor physics cellular codes) the main data to obtain the most appropriated neutron spectrum at the irradiation position by interactive adjustment process using the unfolding SANDBP code. The results obtained were (5.1175± 0.1609).109 n/cm2 .s to the integral neutron flux, (9.7167±0.4974).108 n/cm2 to the thermal neutron flux, (2.2394 ± 0.04728).109 n/cm2 .s to the intermediate neutron flux and (1.9064 ± 0.06390).109 n/cm2 .s to the fast neutron flux. These results are important and may be used to check and validate reactor physics codes and several nuclear data librariesArtigo IPEN-doc 10621 Medida do espectro de energia dos neutrons no nucleo do reator IPEN/MB-012005 - BITELLI, U.D.; MARTINS, F.P.G.; JEREZ, R.; CACURE, R.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 14068 Measurements of the neutron spectrum energy in the IPEN/MB-01 reactor core2009 - BITELLI, ULYSSES D.; MARTINS, FERNANDO P.G.; JEREZ, ROGERIO