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Artigo IPEN-doc 24756 Estimating the planetary boundary layer height from radiosonde and doppler lidar measurements in the city of São Paulo - Brazil2018 - MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; PINERO, MACIEL; OLIVEIRA, AMAURI P.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThis study aims to compare the planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) values estimated by radiosonde data through the bulk Richardson number (BRN) method and by Doppler lidar measurements through the Carrier to Noise Ratio (CNR) method, which corresponds to the maximum of the variance of CNR profile. The measurement campaign was carried during the summer of 2015/2016 in the city of São Paulo. Despite the conceptual difference between these methods, the results show great agreement between them.Artigo IPEN-doc 24750 Rehearsal for assessment of atmospheric optical properties during biomass burning events and long-range transportation episodes at metropolitan area of São Paulo-Brazil (RAPEL)2018 - LOPES, FABIO J.S.; GUERRERO-RASCADO, JUAN L.; BENAVENT-OLTRA, JOSE A.; ROMAN, ROBERTO; MOREIRA, GREGORI A.; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; ALADOS-ARBOLEDAS, LUCAS; ARTAXO, PAULO; LANDULFO, EDUARDODuring the period of August-September 2016 an intensive campaign was carried out to assess aerosol properties in São Paulo-Brazil aiming to detect long-range aerosol transport events and to characterize the instrument regarding data quality. Aerosol optical properties retrieved by the GALION - LALINET SPU lidar station and collocated AERONET sunphotometer system are presented as extinction/ backscatter vertical profiles with microphysical products retrieved with GRASP inversion algorithm.Artigo IPEN-doc 24723 Monitoring the industrial sources of aerosol in Cubatao, Brazil, using a scanning elastic lidar and a lidar doppler2018 - COSTA, RENATA F. da; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; MACEDO, FERNANDA de M.; ANDRADE, IZABEL da S.; ARAUJO, ELAINE C.; CORREA, THAIS; SALANI, MARIA H.G. de A.; LOPES, DANIEL S.; GUARDANI, MARIA L.G.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; GUARDANI, ROBERTOField campaigns with a scanning multiwavelength elastic lidar coupled with a Doppler system to monitor industrial atmospheric aerosol emissions were carried out, with the objective of monitoring aerosol emission sources and plume dispersion. Since the technique provides information on the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosol concentration, the implementation of a systematic monitoring procedure is proposed as a valuable tool in air quality monitoring applied to regions of interest.Artigo IPEN-doc 22451 ALINE/LALINET network status2016 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; OSNEIDE, MARCELO; ANTUNA, JUAN C.; ARREDONDO, RENE E.; RASCADO, JUAN L.G.; ALADOS ARBOLEDAS, LUCAS; BASTIDAS, ALVARO; NISPERUZA, DANIEL; BEDOYA, ANDRES; MUNERA, MAURICIO; ALEGRIA, DAIRO; FORNO, RICARDO N.; SANCHEZ, MARIA F.; LAZCANO, OSCAR; MONTILLA ROSERO, ELENA; SILVA, ANTONIETA; JIMENEZ, CRISTOFER; QUEL, EDUARDO; RISTORI, PABLO; OTERO, LIDIA; BARBOSA, HENRIQUE M.J.; GOUVEIA, DIEGO A.; BARJA, BORISArtigo IPEN-doc 21273 Planetary boundary layer height estimation from doppler wind lidar measurements, radiosonde and hysplit model comparison2015 - MOREIRA, G. de A.; MARQUES, M.T.A.; NAKAEMA, W.; MOREIRA, A.C. de C.A.; LANDULFO, E.Artigo IPEN-doc 20458 The first brazilian field lab fully dedicated to CO2 MMV experiments2014 - MOREIRA, ANDREA C. de C.A.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; NAKAEMA, WALTER M.; MARQUES, MARCIA T.A.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G.; MUSSE, ANA P.S.; ROSARIO, FATIMA do; SPANGLER, LEE H.; DOBECK, LAURA M.The first CO2 Field Lab built in Brazil was developed at the Ressacada Farm, in Florianopolis, SC with the goal of diminishing technical gaps in CO2 storage covering research in Measuring, Monitoring and Verification (MMV) techniques, a need identified in the PETROBRAS Strategic Plan. Through the Company R&D Center (CENPES), and the Climate Change Mitigation Technological Program (PROCLIMA), PETROBRAS is sponsoring a joint 4-year research Project, in which both company and local academia personnel are collaborating to deploy, test and assess multiple near-surface CO2 detection technologies. Longer term objectives include the validation of accurate and efficient detection, measurement and quantification tools to be deployed in large scale commercial CGS (Carbon Geological Storage) sites scheduled to be installed in the country to assist in validating storage efficiency and minimizing risk. In September 2013, the first CO2 injection campaign was carried out, in which small volumes of gaseous food-grade industrial CO2 (with a delta 13C signature of ca.-32 ppmil) were injected into the ground at shallow levels through a vertical 3 m depth well and then migrated into the atmosphere. The campaign was run over 12 days, for 24 hours a day, at injection rates low enough not to offer any risks to the formation integrity and enabled the simultaneous assessment of CO2 behavior in the soil, in the groundwater, at the surface and in the air. This paper presents an overview of the atmospheric measurements carried out at Ressacada, covering the background, injection and post-injection scenarios.