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Artigo IPEN-doc 30910 Advances in silver nanoparticles2024 - RODRIGUES, ADRIANA S.; BATISTA, JORGE G.S.; RODRIGUES, MURILO A.V.; THIPE, VELAPHI C.; MINARINI, LUCIENE A.R.; LOPES, PATRICIA S.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.Nanoparticles play a crucial role in the field of nanotechnology, offering different properties due to their surface area attributed to their small size. Among them, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have attracted significant attention due to their antimicrobial properties, with applications that date back from ancient medicinal practices to contemporary commercial products containing ions or silver nanoparticles. AgNPs possess broad-spectrum biocidal potential against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and Mycobacterium, in addition to exhibiting synergistic effects when combined with certain antibiotics. The mechanisms underlying its antimicrobial action include the generation of oxygen-reactive species, damage to DNA, rupture of bacterial cell membranes and inhibition of protein synthesis. Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of AgNPs against various clinically relevant bacterial strains through their potential to combat antibiotic-resistant pathogens. This review investigates the proteomic mechanisms by which AgNPs exert their antimicrobial effects, with a special focus on their activity against planktonic bacteria and in biofilms. Furthermore, it discusses the biomedical applications of AgNPs and their potential non-preparation of antibiotic formulations, also addressing the issue of resistance to antibiotics.Capítulo IPEN-doc 30888 Copper-Based Nanomaterials for Biologically Relevant Compounds2024 - BATISTA, JORGE G. dos S.; RODRIGUES, MURILO A.V.; FREITAS, LUCAS F. de; FONSECA, ANA C.M.; RODRIGUES, ADRIANA de S.; CRUZ, CASSIA P.C. da; THIPE, VELAPHI C.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.Copper-based nanomaterials have emerged as a new platform in various scientific domains due to their unique physicochemical, biological, and compatibility properties. This review explores the multifaceted applications of copper nanomaterials in the areas of biosensing, drug delivery, cancer therapy, and environmental remediation. The innovative role of copper nanomaterials in biosensors and their exceptional sensitivity and specificity in detecting biomolecules are discussed. Moreover, the potential applications of copper-based nanomaterials in drug delivery systems, highlighting the controlled and targeted release of therapeutic agents’ approaches are explored. In the domain of cancer theragnostic, copper nanomaterials exhibit promising results thus offering practical tools for early diagnosis and advanced treatment modalities. Furthermore, the antimicrobial properties of copper nanoparticles are explored, emphasizing their importance in combating microbial threats and promoting a new era in antimicrobial research. Copper-based nanomaterials could have a significant role in environmental and bioremediation applications. The strong catalytic activity of copper nanoparticles makes them ideal candidates for environmental remediation. In summary, this comprehensive review consolidates the latest advances in copper nanomaterials research, providing valuable information for scientists and researchers involved in diverse fields to promote the development of new applications and technologies.Resumo IPEN-doc 30275 Silver nanoparticles reduced by tannic acid and sodium citrate2023 - RODRIGUES, ADRIANA S.; BATISTA, JORGE G.S.; MINARINI, LUCIENE A.R.; LOPES, PATRICIA; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.Introduction and objective: Green nanotechnology aims to reduce hazardous chemical waste in the environment through sustainable development. Phytochemicals are proposed to minimize environmental impacts and produce safe biological applications. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have effective antimicrobial properties against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterias, fungi and viruses, being promising to reduce the microbial load. Antimicrobial systems based on AgNPs shows promise in combating bacteria. Methodology: Confirmation of the formation of silver nanoparticles was evaluated by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The hydrodynamic size and polydispersion index were evaluated by dynamic light scattering. The zeta potential was used to assess stability through surface charge. The obtained morphology and average size were evaluated by transmission electronic microscopy. The cytotoxicity assay was performed to assess cellular viability of silver nanoparticles in HUVEC cells. The antimicrobial activity was analyzed by minimum inhibitory concentration through microdilution in broth and later the inoculum was performed in plates. Results and discussion: Characterization by spectrophotometry of AT_AgNPs and CT_AgNPs showed absorption bands at 430 nm. Hydrodynamic size analyzes revealed diameters of 57.87-97.45 nm, with polydispersion indices (PdI) ranging between 0.289 and 0.392. The zeta potential was determined between - 4.41 and -10.3 mV. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images revealed spherical morphology with sizes between 20-50 nm. AgNPs have been tested as a treatment against hospital microorganisms with risk classification level 2, including Gram-negative (Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined to evaluate the lowest concentration that inhibits the growth of microorganisms. The MIC values obtained with the AT_AgNPs were: 4.18 ug/mL (AB14 and EC23), 8.36 ug/mL (EC26 and KP43), 16.72 ug/mL (PA17), 66.9 ug/mL (PA3) and 133.8 ug/mL (SA). For CT_AgNPs, they were: 51.8 ug/mL (AB14, EC26 and PA17), without inhibition in EC23, KP43, PA3 and SA strains. Synergism was evaluated by mixing suspensions of the two nanoparticles (ATCT_AgNPs), resulting in MIC values of 1.48 ug/mL (PA3 and SA), 2.96 ug/mL (EC23, KP43 and PA17) and 5.93 ug/mL (AB14 and EC26). Conclusions: The results suggest that AT_AgNPs and the synergistic combination with CT_AgNPs have potential as effective antimicrobial agents against nosocomial bacteria. These AgNPs may represent a promising alternative for the development of new therapeutic strategies to combat bacterial infections. However, further studies are needed to investigate its activity in other contexts and its safety in clinical use.Resumo IPEN-doc 29444 Efeito sinérgico de nanopartículas de prata na ampliação do espectro de ação antimicrobiano2022 - RODRIGUES, A.d.; BATISTA, J.G.; RIELLO, F.N.; THIPE, V.C.; FONSECA, B.B.; GOMEZ, H.C.; SCAVONE, R.G.; LUGAO, A.B.As nanopartículas de prata (AgNPs) possuem diversas aplicações. Na medicina, são usadas principalmente para terapia antimicrobiana e anticancerígena, e aplicadas no reparo de feridas e cicatrização óssea, ou como adjuvante de vacina, agente antidiabético e biossensores. As AgNPs possuem um amplo espectro de ação biocida contra bactérias, fungos e vírus sendo capazes de inativar o mecanismo bacteriano de síntese proteica e causar ruptura da membrana celular. O objetivo foi desenvolver uma formulação contendo AgNPs com espectro de ação contra micobactérias, bactérias Gram negativas e Gram positivas. O gênero Mycobacterium pertence ao grupo de actinobactérias bacilares e aeróbicas obrigatórias. Possuem em sua morfologia alto teor lipídico devido a presença de ácidos graxos no envelope bacteriano, característica que confere um bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR). As infecções humanas causadas por estes tipos de microrganismos possuem protocolos exaustivos de tratamento com antibióticos. Por exemplo, a tuberculose - doença é causada pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis - é uma doença infecciosa e transmissível que afeta prioritariamente os pulmões, podendo acometer outros órgãos e sistemas. No Brasil, é recomendado para todos os casos novos de qualquer forma de tuberculose, exceto meningite, o uso de rifampicina, isoniazida, pirazinamida e etambutol por dois meses na fase intensiva e de rifampicina e isoniazida por quatro meses na fase de manutenção. As AgNPs foram sintetizadas pelo método de redução química com base na metodologia de Turkevich e adaptada aos princípios da nanotecnologia verde. Deste modo, foi desenvolvida uma formulação de AgNPs com recobrimento de superfície e tamanho distintos a fim de ampliar o espectro de ação antimicrobiano. A caracterização físico-química foi realizada pelas técnicas de: Espectrometria UVVis; Espalhamento Dinâmico de Luz (DLS) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (MET). A atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada pelo teste de concentração inibitória mínima (MIC) para a confirmação do espectro de ação antimicrobiano. Este ensaio permitiu verificar a concentração inibitória mínima da formulação de AgNPs e sua eficácia em relação as bactérias Gram e micobactérias contra as seguintes cepas: a Gram positiva Staphylococcus aureus 215,72 ?g.mL-1, a Gram negativa Klebsiella pneumoniae 107,86 ?g.mL-1 e as micobactérias Mycobacterium smegmatis 13,48 ?g.mL-1, Mycobacterium gordonae 107,86 ?g.mL-1, Mycobacterium szulgai 1,68 ? g.mL-1 e Mycobacterium peregrinum 1,68 ?g.mL-1. Em todos os casos, a formulação de AgNPs distintas apresentou maior eficiência do que as AgNPs utilizadas individualmente. As micobactérias analisadas são de caráter não patogênico, mas de extrema semelhança estrutural às altamente patogênicas. Portanto, a utilização de uma formulação eficaz de AgNPs apresenta potencial para atuar sinergicamente em antibioticoterapia em protocolos de difícil tratamento.Capítulo IPEN-doc 28700 The role of probiotics in maintaining immune homeostasis2022 - THIPE, VELAPHI C.; MENTOR, SHIREEN; LIMA, CAROLINE S.A.; FREITAS, LUCAS F.; FONSECA, ANA C.M.; NOGUEIRA, KAMILA M.; RODRIGUES, ADRIANA S.; BATISTA, JORGE G.S.; FERREIRA, ARYEL H.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.The immune system is a complex architecture of a collective and coordinated network regulated by various pathways to thermodynamically maintain immune homeostasis. The gut microbiota plays a pivotal role that offers significant stimuli (i.e., gut-brain, gut-lung, and gut-liver axis) for both innate and adaptive immunity, mediating immune and metabolic homeostasis. An intricate correlation between changes in the gut microbiota (dysbiosis) and common diseases/disorders have been attributed to the invasion of pathogens, constant use of antibiotics, and hypercytokinemia—a hallmark of immune homeostasis imbalance. These factors contribute to the severity of inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, and of late the coronavirus disease, Covid-19. Probiotics (Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp.) have been considered as alternative and/or adjuvant therapeutic in restoring the balance of gut microbiota for maintaining immune homeostasis and integrity. The probiotics catalyze dietary fibers and proteins to generate short-chain fatty acids and tryptophan to promote antiinflammatory cytokines, reduce epithelium permeability, reinforcing immunity in the gut mucosa, and regulating the systemic immune response. Herein, we review our overarching understanding of current applications of probiotics in amelioration of gut microbiome, and the improvement of gut barrier function and maintaining immune homeostasis. We also highlight clinical trials on probiotics with reported results for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Additionally, the looming global Covid-19 pandemic makes it prudent to highlight the role of probiotics in both the innate and adaptive human immune responses, especially amid the Covid-19 vaccination paradigm.Resumo IPEN-doc 28374 Desenvolvimento de nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs) para teranóstica2021 - RODRIGUES, ADRIANA de S.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.; BATISTA, JORGE G. dos S.; KUCHINSKI, ADRIANA; FREITAS, LUCAS F. de; CRUZ, CASSIA P.C. daArtigo IPEN-doc 28073 The state of the art of theranostic nanomaterials for lung, breast, and prostate cancers2021 - FREITAS, LUCAS F.; FERREIRA, ARYEL H.; THIPE, VELAPHI C.; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C.; LIMA, CAROLINE S.A.; BATISTA, JORGE G.S.; RIELLO, FABIANE N.; NOGUEIRA, KAMILA; CRUZ, CASSIA P.C.; MENDES, GIOVANNA O.A.; RODRIGUES, ADRIANA S.; SOUSA, THAYNA S.; ALVES, VICTORIA M.; LUGAO, ADEMAR B.The synthesis and engineering of nanomaterials offer more robust systems for the treatment of cancer, with technologies that combine therapy with imaging diagnostic tools in the so‐called nanotheranostics. Among the most studied systems, there are quantum dots, liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles, inorganic nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, dendrimers, and gold nanoparticles. Most of the advantages of nanomaterials over the classic anticancer therapies come from their optimal size, which prevents the elimination by the kidneys and enhances their permeation in the tumor due to the abnormal blood vessels present in cancer tissues. Furthermore, the drug delivery and the contrast efficiency for imaging are enhanced, especially due to the increased surface area and the selective accumulation in the desired tissues. This property leads to the reduced drug dose necessary to exert the desired effect and for a longer action within the tumor. Finally, they are made so that there is no degradation into toxic byproducts and have a lower immune response triggering. In this article, we intend to review and discuss the state‐of‐the‐art regarding the use of nanomaterials as therapeutic and diagnostic tools for lung, breast, and prostate cancer, as they are among the most prevalent worldwide.Resumo IPEN-doc 27650 Green nanotechnology2020 - BATISTA, J.G.; FREITAS, L.F.; CRUZ, C.C. da; LUGAO, A.B.; RODRIGUES, A.S.; SANTOS, L.O.; PIRES, M.A.Cancer is among the diseases with the highest mortality rate, with more than 100 different types that occur due to mutations in the genetic material of cells. It is the third leading cause of death worldwide after cardiovascular and infectious diseases. In addition, the number of diseases caused by oxidative stress that results from an imbalance between the formation and neutralization of oxidizing species is increasingly perceived. Oxidative stress is initiated by free radicals and their interactions with biological macromolecules, such as proteins, lipids and DNA, healthy human cells and cause damage to proteins and DNA, with lipid peroxidation. These changes contribute to cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. All cells are exposed to oxidative stress and therefore oxidation and free radicals play an important role in the development of cancer. Medicinal plants have a special place in cancer management. Several cancer researchers have been carried out studies using traditional medicinal plants, to discover new therapeutic agents that do not have side effects associated with chemotherapeutic agents. Studies using the extract of Annona muricata L., popularly known as araticum, have demonstrated potential anti-inflammatory and anticancer action, due to its antioxidant and immunological properties. The objective of the present work was to develop gold nanoparticles using Annona muricata L. dry extract and verify their physical-chemical characteristics, such as size, shape, and stability. The results obtained show that it is possible to synthesize gold nanoparticles with potential applications in medicine using the extract of araticum. Characterization was performed using the techniques of UV-Vis spectrophotometry, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The in vitro stability study of the gold nanoparticles synthesized with the araticum extract was carried out for thirty days. The nanoparticles showed to be stable in different media during this period and the monitoring was done by spectrophotometry.Resumo IPEN-doc 27325 Nanotecnologia verde2019 - BATISTA, J.G.S.; LUGAO, A.B.; DA CRUZ, C.C.; DE FREITAS, L.F.; SANTOS, L.O.; RODRIGUES, A.S.O câncer está entre as doenças com maior índice de mortalidade, com mais de 100 tipos diferentes ocorrendo devido a mutações no material genético das células. É a terceira principal causa de morte em todo o mundo após doenças cardiovasculares e infecciosas. Além disso, percebe-se cada vez mais que muitas das doenças se devem ao “estresse oxidativo” que resulta de um desequilíbrio entre a formação e a neutralização de espécies oxidantes. O estresse oxidativo é iniciado pelos radicais livres, que buscam estabilidade através do pareamento de elétrons com macromoléculas biológicas, como proteínas, lipídios e DNA, em células humanas saudáveis e causam danos às proteínas e ao DNA, juntamente com a peroxidação lipídica. Essas mudanças contribuem para o câncer, aterosclerose, doenças cardiovasculares, envelhecimento e doenças inflamatórias. Todas as células são expostas ao estresse oxidativo e, portanto, a oxidação e os radicais livres desempenham um papel importante no desenvolvimento do câncer e na carcinogênese.Portanto, ainda estão sendo feitos esforços para procurar substâncias eficazes que ocorrem naturalmente e que possam impedir, desacelerar ou reverter o desenvolvimento do câncer. Plantas medicinais têm um lugar especial na gestão do câncer. Diversos estudos de pesquisa sobre o câncer foram realizados utilizando plantas medicinais tradicionais, em um esforço para descobrir novos agentes terapêuticos que não possuem efeitos secundários associados aos presentes agentes quimioterápicos. Estudos utilizando extrato de Annona muricata L., popularmente conhecida como araticum, demonstraram potencial ação anti-inflamatória e anticâncer, devido suas propriedades antioxidante e imunológica. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi sintetizar nanopartículas de ouro utilizando o extrato seco de Annona muricata L. e verificar suas propriedades físico-químicas, como tamanho, formato e estabilidade. E assim unir as propriedades do araticum com as das nanopartículas de ouro que possuem aplicações na terapia e diagnóstico de câncer. Os resultados obtidos, demonstram que é possível sintetizar nanopartículas de ouro com potencial aplicação na medicina utilizando o extrato de araticum. A caracterização foi realizada por meio das técnicas de espectrofotometria UV-Vis, espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DLS), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM). O estudo de estabilidade in vitro foi realizado misturando-se a solução de nanopartículas de ouro com NaCl, histidina, cisteína, BSA, pH 5, 7 e 9. As nanopartículas apresentaram tamanho médio de 15 nm por TEM e tamanho hidrodinâmico médio de 30 nm por DLS. No teste de estabilidade in vitro, as nanopartículas de ouro sintetizadas com o extrato seco de araticum apresentaram estabilidade em todos os meios testados por até 14 dias, não havendo diminuição na absorbância no comprimento de 525 nm, que é característico do dipolo gerado pela ressonância plasmônica de superfície em nanopartículas de ouro.