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Artigo IPEN-doc 27922 Study on s-shaped guide using mcstas software2021 - OLIVEIRA, L.P.; SOUZA, A.P.S.; YOKAICHIYA, F.; GENEZINI, F.A.; FRANCO, M.K.K.D.Monte Carlo simulations are performed for a vertical S-shaped neutron guide for the cold neutron sources of the FRM-II, HZB and PSI reactors through the McStas software. The aim of our study is investigate a relation between the cutoff in the cold neutron spectrum and the sources. Results for the neutron flux at the sample position are presented for different supermirrors with m = 1, 2 and 3. The vertical S-shaped neutron guides additionally provide a vertical displacement between beam hole and sample position, which can facilitate the implementation and manipulation of sample environments.Artigo IPEN-doc 27900 A diffractometer project for Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB)2021 - SOUZA, A.P.S.; OLIVEIRA, L.P. de; YOKAICHIYA, F.; GENEZINI, F.A.; FRANCO, M.K.K.D.The high-resolution diffractometer is one of the first instruments of the set of 15 priority neutron scattering instruments to be installed at the Brazilian Multipurpose Reactor (RMB). A basic project of this instrument consists of the existence of three guides through which neutrons pass from source to sample to guarantee maximum neutron flux at the sample position. In this study, we investigate guide geometry performance considering fixed diffractometer geometry and spatial arrangement. Comparisons between different guide shapes and supermirrors are performed using software based on the Monte Carlo method, McStas. Our conclusion shows that a better solution is splitting the initial flux into two different guides to obtain the maximum flux at the sample position.