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Capítulo IPEN-doc 27629 Mechanical and morphological properties of hybrid composites based on recycled LDPE/EVA blend reinforced with clay and babassu fiber residues2020 - TAMURA, CAROLINE S.; ARANTES, MARIANA; CARMO, KARINA H.S.; SANTOS, BIANCA S.; OLIVEIRA, RENE R.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.Over the years the consumption of plastic products made of conventional polymers has produced a large amount of waste which has led to disposal problems worldwide. Among the alternatives to minimize these problems are reuse and recycling practices. Then, the recycling of plastic and the use of recycled materials to produce new materials reinforced with nanoparticles from natural resources can be an alternative to reduce inappropriate waste disposal. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of the addition of clay and non-treated babassu fiber residues on the mechanical and morphological properties of composite based on recycled LDPE/EVA blend. Composite materials containing 1–3 wt% of babassu residues and 1 wt% of clay were prepared using a twin-screw extruder machine and flat die single extrusion process, in order to prepare hybrid composites sheets. The sheets prepared by recycled LDPE/EVA blend and its composites were characterized by tensile tests, XRD, and FE-SEM analysis and the correlation between properties was discussed.Dissertação IPEN-doc 27258 Desenvolvimento e caracterização de compósitos poliméricos à base de EVA e LDPE reciclados com fibras de coco de babaçu2020 - ARANTES, MARIANA M.A crescente preocupação sobre problemas ambientais em união com pesquisadores, tem gerado uma nova frente de pesquisa que visa a reciclagem principalmente de polímeros e o aproveitamento de materiais originários de fontes renováveis. Este trabalho visa a incorporação da fibra proveniente do coco de babaçu em polímeros reciclados e puros, onde 75% deles são provenientes da reciclagem. As fibras do coco de babaçu foram caracterizadas, por meio dos ensaios de densidade, o teor de umidade natural e a capacidade de absorção de água. A preparação da blenda polimérica constituída por 25 % em massa de EVA reciclado, 25 % de EVA virgem e 50 % de LDPE foi realizada por meio da técnica de mistura mecânica no estado fundido, utilizando uma extrusora dupla-rosca, e a obtenção das chapas para confecção dos corpos de prova foram feitas em uma extrusora monorosca com matriz plana acoplada. Foi utilizado o agente espumante Endex BR 2650, na proporção de 2,5% em massa. As amostras foram caracterizadas por densidade aparente, DRX, TG, ensaio mecânico de resistência à tração e ensaio de flamabilidade. As curvas de raios X apresentaram os picos característicos dos materiais, não demonstrando alteração dos mesmos no momento de processamento. A termogravimetria mostrou ligeira influência da fibra e argila na temperatura inicial de degradação, bem como nos percentuais de perda de massa. No ensaio de resistência à tração a fibra e argila quando introduzidas na blenda provocaram uma redução variando de 18 % a 43 %, mas ao adicionar o agente espumante houve um acréscimo (10 % a 61 %) quando comparada com as adições de 1% e 3% de FCB, respectivamente. O ensaio de flamabilidade, a incorporação de agente espumante e argila apresentaram atraso na ignição do material, bem como maior dificuldade de propagação das chamas.Resumo IPEN-doc 24845 Effects on Clay addition on properties of LDPE flexible films2017 - SANTANA, JULYANA G.; SEIXAS, M.V. de S.; ARANTES, MARIANA; GUVEN, OLGUN; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.Studies have indicated that the addition of nanoparticles in flexible films improves performance flexible packaging, leading to better mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Clay is an abundant mineral, inexpensive, easy to process, and provide considerable enhancements on the properties of polymers. Titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) is widely used for its efficiency in scattering visible light, and imparting whiteness, brightness, and high opacity when incorporated into a plastic formulation. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is generally used as a packaging material due to its good resistance, easy processing, low cost and high hardness. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of clay and TiO 2 nanoparticles addition on the properties of LDPE flexible films. LDPE with 1 wt % of TiO 2 addition and 1-3 wt. % of green Brazilian Clay, from Cubati, Pb, Brazil were prepared by melt extrusion process, using a twin-screw extruder Haake Rheomex P332 with 16 mm and L/D = 25, from Thermo Scientific. Then the LDPE/Clay nanocomposite was transformed into thin films using an extrusion blown film, single screw machine with 25 mm diameter and specimen test samples were obtained. The specimen samples were characterized by mechanical tests, UV-VIS, DSC, TG and FE-SEM analysis.Capítulo IPEN-doc 24663 Development and characterization of recycled-HDPE/EVA foam reinforced with babassu coconut epicarp fiber residues2018 - ARANTES, MARIANA M.; SANTANA, JULYANA; VALENZUELA-DIAZ, F.R.; RANGARI, VIJAY K.; GUVEN, OLGUN; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.Nowadays, the development of polymeric materials reinforced with residues of vegetal fibers is becoming popular for application in different segments, from the automotive to the civil construction and furniture industry. Vegetal fiber residues may be used as reinforcement of the recycled polymer materials, for instance, to produce foams to packaging or to thermal and acoustic isolation for green building application. This work is focused on the development and characterization of recycled-HDPE/EVA foam reinforced with fiber residues from babassu coconut epicarp. Firstly, composites based on recycled-HDPE/EVA blend reinforced with babassu coconut fiber were obtained by melting extrusion process. The composites were then extruded in a special single screw for foaming. The foam samples were submitted to mechanical tests, density measurement, DSC, TG, and FE-SEM analysis.