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Resumo IPEN-doc 25745 Nanostructured synthetic hydroxyapatite and dental enamel heated e irradiated by Er,Cr:YSGG characterized by FTIR and XRD2009 - RABELO, J.S.; PEREIRA, T.M.; MAZZOCCHI, V.L.; VALERIO, M.E.G.; ZEZELL, D.M.The study evaluate the physical changes and/or chemical that occurs in synthetic hydroxyapatite (HAP) and in enamel under action of thermal heating in the furnace or laser irradiation of Er,Cr:YSGG that may cause changes in its structure to make them more resistant to demineralization aiming the formation of dental caries.Resumo IPEN-doc 22905 Micro-FTIR can identify differences in cells from normal and abnormal thyroid follicular cells2016 - PEREIRA, T.M.; ZEZELL, D.M.; BIRD, B.; MILJKOVIC, M.; DIEM, M.Resumo IPEN-doc 14700 Tissue temperature variation in the use of surgical diode lasers2009 - VASQUES, M.A.T.; BENETTI, C.; ALVES, M.A.V.; PEREIRA, T.M.; ZEZELL, D.M.; CORREA, L.Resumo IPEN-doc 14424 Monitoracao da elevacao da temperatura durante o processo de clareamento dental2007 - PEREIRA, T.M.; BENETTI, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.Resumo IPEN-doc 17609 Influence of fixation products used in the histological processing in the FTIR spectra of lung cells2011 - PEREIRA, T.M.; MENNECIER, G.; DAGLI, M.L.Z.; ZEZELL, D.M.Resumo IPEN-doc 16035 FTIR spectroscopy monitoring chemical changes in enamel dentin and bone due to laser irradiation2010 - ZEZELL, DENISE M.; ANA, PATRICIA A.; BENETTI, CAROLINA; QUINTO JUNIOR, JOSE; PEREIRA, THIAGO M.; GOULART, VIVIANEResumo IPEN-doc 16042 Methodology development of ATR-FTIR bone analysis2010 - BENETTI, CAROLINA; SANTOS, MOISES O. dos; PEREIRA, THIAGO M.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.Resumo IPEN-doc 16044 Thermal diffusivity measurement of enamel and dentin as function of temperature obtained by infrared thermography2010 - PEREIRA, T.M.; ZAMATARO, C.B.; ZEZELL, D.M.The goal of present study was developed a software that calculates automatically, the thermal diffusivity value as function of temperature in materials. The infrared thermography technique was used for data acquisition of temperature distribution as function of time. These data were used to adjust a temperature function obtained from the homogeneous heat equation with specific boundary conditions. For that, an infrared camera (detecting from 8 µm to 9 µm) was calibrated to detect temperature ranging from 185 oC up to 1300 oC at an acquisition rate of 300 Hz. It was used, 10 samples of dental enamel and 10 samples of dentin, with 4 mm x 4 mm x 2 mm, which were obtained from bovine lower incisor teeth. These samples were irradiated with an Er:Cr:YSGG pulsed laser (λ = 2,78 µm). The resulting temperature was recorded 2 s prior, 10 s during irradiation and continuing for 2 more seconds after it. After each irradiation, all obtained thermal images were processed in the software, creating a file with the data of thermal diffusivity as a function of temperature. Another file with the thermal diffusivity values was also calculated after each laser pulse. The mean result of thermal diffusivity obtained for dental enamel was 0,0084 ± 0,001 cm2/s for the temperature interval of 220-550 oC. The mean value for thermal diffusivity obtained for dentin was 0,0015 ± 0,0004 cm2/s in temperatures up to 360 oC; however, this value increases for higher temperatures. According to these results, it was possible to conclude that the use of infrared thermography, associated with the software developed in this work, is an efficient method to determine the thermal diffusivity values as a function of temperature in different materials.Resumo IPEN-doc 16004 Nonlinear index refraction of HAp solution using Z-scan technique2010 - SANTOS, MOISES O. dos; PEREIRA, THIAGO M.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; ALBERO, FELIPE G.; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z. de; SAMAD, RICARDO E.; VIEIRA JUNIOR, NILSON D.Resumo IPEN-doc 15419 Monitoracao de alteracoes na temperatura de dentes irradiados a laser por termopar e camera termografica2006 - PEREIRA, THIAGO M.; ANA, PATRICIA A. da; RIBEIRO, ADRIANA da C.; MIYAKAWA, WALTER; ZEZELL, DENISE M.