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Artigo IPEN-doc 14948 Influencias na resistencia a ruptura transversal do aco rapido M3:22004 - ARAUJO FILHO, O.O.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; NEVES, M.D.M.; FILHO, F.A.; SILVA, C.H.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 11165 Transverse rupture strength of a PM tool steel2005 - ARAUJO FILHO, O.O.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; NEVES, M.D.M.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; SILVA, C.H.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 09713 Influence of the heat treatment on the microstructure of AISI T15 high speed steel2003 - NOGUEIRA, R.A.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; NEVES, M.D.M.; LIMA, L.F.C.P.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; FRIEDRICH, D.; BOEHS, L.Artigo IPEN-doc 09711 Influence of sharpening and coating operations on the wear of sintered high speed steel tools2003 - BOEHS, L.; FRIEDRICH, D.N.; CALDEIRA, P.F.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; LIMA, L.F.C.P.; NEVES, M.D.M.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; NOGUEIRA, R.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 08215 Microstructural evaluation of AISI T-15 high speed steel2001 - NOGUEIRA, R.A.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; LIMA, L.F.C.P.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; NEVES, M.D.M.; BOEHS, L.; FUNARO, R.Artigo IPEN-doc 05183 Processing of a high-alloy high-speed steel via water atomisation and direct sintering1993 - OLIVEIRA, M.M.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; WRONSKI, A.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 04014 Characterization of Ni-Cu alloy powders produced by the atomization process1991 - SALGADO, L.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.; NEVES, M.D.M.; POLA, E.J.G.; SOUZA, O.C.Artigo IPEN-doc 01848 Acos rapidos sinterizados1995 - RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; ARAUJO, E.G.; AMBROZIO FILHO, F.Artigo IPEN-doc 04746 Obtencion de tetracloruro de circonio por la tecnica de cloracion en lecho fluidizado1996 - SEO, E.S.M.; SOUZA, O.C.; SILVA, L.C.E.; ANDREOLI, M.; PASCHOAL, J.O.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 11216 Effect of heat treatment on microstructure of commercial and vacuum sintered high speed steels AISI M2 and T152005 - NOGUEIRA, R.A.; RIBEIRO, O.C.S.; NEVES, M.D.M.; SALGADO, L.; AMBROZIO, F.F.The effect of quenching heat treatments on the microstructure of cast and worked commercial steel AISI M2 and hot isostatically pressed as well as IPEN vacuum sintered AISI T15 have been studied. The quenching treatments were carried out from 1160, 1185, 1210 and 1235°C. The average grain size, volume fraction and average size of the primary carbides M6C and MC were determined by scanning electron microscopy and by using the digital image analysis method "Quantikov". An increase in average austenite grain size with increase in quenching temperature was observed for the AISI M2 commercial steel and vacuum sintered specimens. In the case of the AISI T15 steel specimens, increase in quenching temperature did not result in an increase in average grain size, both for the commercial and the vacuum sintered steels. The average size and volume fraction of M6C and MC carbides remained unaltered with increase in quenching temperature.