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Artigo IPEN-doc 28506 Characterization of patients with prostate cancer care at a reference hospital in the state of Tocantins, suitable for brachytherapy2021 - BEZERRA, ANDRE de S.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.Observation and identification of predictive factors for results and morbidity are essential in the ideal selection of patients who can use brachytherapy as a treatment modality for prostate cancer. Thus, the objective of this research is to characterize the population of patients with prostate cancer treated at the General Public Hospital of Palmas in 2015, in the state of Tocantins. The method used was quantitative, with the characteristics of a retrospective, transversal and descriptive analysis. Held in the largest state health unit, the General Public Hospital of Palmas that, despite its large dimensions, lives with the main problems of the Unified Health System, such as overcrowding and shortages. It was found that most of the patients seen corresponded to the age of 70 to 79 years, making 45%, followed by patients aged between 60 and 69 years, with 33%. Most of the individuals attended were from the state of Tocantins, but some lived in an adjacent city in the state of Pará. Data related to the Gleason score showed that there was a predominance of levels 6 and 7 indicating intermediate grade tumors, considering that the most of the observed population was older. It was concluded that the analyzed patients had a predominant staging of CaP II and III, thus most of the individuals, 23 of the 35 analyzed, were not able to undergo brachytherapy due to the high degree of disease staging.Artigo IPEN-doc 27910 Analysis of patients with prostate cancer care at a reference hospital in the state of Tocantins, suitable for brachytherapy2021 - BEZERRA, ANDRE de S.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.Observation and identification of predictive factors for results and morbidity are essential in the ideal selection of patients who can use brachytherapy as a treatment modality for prostate cancer. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze the population of patients with prostate cancer treated at the General Public Hospital of Palmas in 2015, in the state of Tocantins. The method used was quantitative, with the characteristics of a retrospective, transversal and descriptive analysis. Held in the largest state health unit, the General Public Hospital of Palmas that, despite its large dimensions, lives with the main problems of the Unified Health System, such as overcrowding and shortages. It was found that most of the patients seen corresponded to the age of 70 to 79 years, making 45%, followed by patients aged between 60 and 69 years, with 33%. Most of the individuals attended were from the state of Tocantins, but some lived in an adjacent city in the state of Pará. Data related to the Gleason score showed that there was a predominance of levels 6 and 7 indicating intermediate grade tumors, considering that the most of the observed population was older. It was concluded that the analyzed patients had a predominant staging of CaP II and III, thus most of the individuals, 23 of the 35 analyzed, were not able to undergo brachytherapy due to the high degree of disease staging.Artigo IPEN-doc 26231 Analysis of the use of brachytherapy treatment in prostate cancer patients attended in general public hospital of Palmas in 20152019 - BEZERRA, ANDRE de S.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ROSTELATO, MARIA E.C.M.Approximately 68.000 prostate cancer cases are estimated per year in Brazil, but many of these will present a bad prognosis due to the difficulties of access by users of public health services and the precariousness of many of these. This scenario is determinant for the occurrence of many cases of advanced disease, late diagnosis, worse clinical condition and higher risk of death. The state of Tocantins has a humble health structure that unfortunately does not yet have brachytherapy treatment for this condition and offers few beds for surgical treatment, while radiotherapy, performed in only one city in the state, coexists with constant problems and interruptions of care. The objective of this study is to analyze the population of patients with prostate cancer treated at the General Public Hospital of Palmas, the main state reference, in the year 2015, and specifically to determine how many of the patients could have been treated through brachytherapy. After approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, data collection, analysis, organization and treatment were carried out using BioEstat® statistical software, aiming at consolidating information, producing results and obtaining answers to the objectives of this study. The study demonstrated that the majority of these patients came from other localities, with advanced clinical staging, adenocarcinoma histological type, but with 19% of cases presenting criteria for treatment by brachytherapy, which would lead to a significant decrease in the demand for beds and referrals to other centers.