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Artigo IPEN-doc 23119 Low Intensity laser therapy in patients with burning mouth syndrome: a randomized, placebo-controlled study2016 - SUGAYA, NORBERTO N.; SILVA, ERICA F.P. da; KATO, ILKA T.; PRATES, RENATO; GALLO, CAMILA de B.; PELLEGRINI, VIVIAN D.The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of low intensity laser therapy in patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS). Thirty BMS subjects were randomized into two groups -Laser (LG) and Placebo (CG). Seven patients dropped out, leaving 13 patients in LG and 10 patients in CG. Each patient received 4 irradiations (laser or placebo) twice a week, for two consecutive weeks (blinded to the type of irradiation received). Infrared laser (AsGaAI) irradiations were applied to the affected mucosa in scanning mode, wavelength of 790 nm, output power of 20 mW and fluence of 6 J/cm(2). A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess the therapeutic effect before and after each irradiation, and at all the control time periods: 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days after the last irradiation. One researcher delivered irradiation and another recorded the results. Both researchers were blinded, the first to the results, and the second to the type of radiation applied. The results were categorized according to the percentage of symptom level variation, and showed a statistically better response in LG in only two categories of the control checkpoints (p=0.02; Fisher's Exact Test). According to the protocol used in this study, low intensity laser therapy is as beneficial to patients with BMS as placebo treatment, indicating a great emotional component of involvement in BMS symptomatology. Nevertheless, there were positive results in some statistical analyses, thus encouraging further research in BMS laser therapy with other irradiation parameters.Resumo IPEN-doc 13825 Infrared laser irradiation applied to the treatment of burning mouth syndrome2008 - KATO, ILKA T.; PELLEGRINI, VIVIAN; PRATES, RENATO A.; WETTER, NIKLAUS U.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.; SUGAYA, NORBERTO N.Artigo IPEN-doc 15675 Prevention of bloodstream infections by photodynamic inactivation of multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in burn wounds2010 - HASHIMOTO, M.C.E.; PRATES, R.A.; TOFFOLI, D.J.; COURROL, L.C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 14341 Photodynamic inactivation of antibiotic resistant strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in vivo2009 - HASHIMOTO, M.C.E.; TOFFOLI, D.J.; PRATES, R.A.; COURROL, LILIA C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Burns are frequently contamined by pathogenic microorganisms and the widespread occurrence of antibiotic resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in hospitals is a matter of growing concern. Hypocrellin B (HB) is a new generation photosensitizer extracted from the fungus Hypocrella bambusae with absorption bands at 460, 546 and 584 nm. Lanthanide ions change the HB molecular structure and a red shift in the absorption band is observed as well as an increase in the singlet oxygen quantum yield. In this study, we report the use of HB:La+3 to kill resistant strain of P. aeruginosa infected burns. Burns were produced on the back of mice and wounds were infected subcutaneously with 1x109 cfu/mL of P. aeruginosa. Three-hours after inoculation, the animals were divided into 4 groups: control, HB:La+3, blue LED and HB:La+3+blue LED. PDT was performed using 10µM HB:La+3 and 500mW light-emitting diode (LED) emitting at λ=470nm±20nm during 120s. The animals of all groups were killed and the infected skin was removed for bacterial counting. Mice with photosensitizer alone, light alone or untreated infected wounds presented 1x108 cfu/g while mice PDT-treated showed a reduction of 2 logs compared to untreated control. These results suggest that HB:La+3 associated to blue LED is effective in diminishing antibiotic resistant strain P. aeruginosa in infected burns.Resumo IPEN-doc 18928 Low intensity laser therapy in burning mouth syndrome: clinical trial2012 - PELLEGRINI, V.D.; FREO, B.; PATRICIO, E.F.; PRATES, R.A.; KATO, I.T.; LEMOS JUNIOR, C.A.; SUGAYA, N.N.Artigo IPEN-doc 16109 Low-level laser therapy in burning mouth syndrome patients2010 - KATO, ILKA T.; PELLEGRINI, VIVIAN D.; PRATES, RENATO A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.; WETTER, NIKLAUS U.; SUGAYA, NORBERTO N.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the treatment of burning mouth syndrome (BMS). In addition, the laser effect was compared on the different affected oral sites. Materials and Methods: Eleven subjects with a total of 25 sites (tongue, lower lip, upper lip, and palate) affected by a burning sensation were selected. The affected areas were irradiated once a week for three consecutive weeks with an infrared laser (l ¼ 790 nm). The probe was kept in contact with the tissue, and the mucosal surface was scanned during the irradiation. The exposure time was calculated based on the fluence of 6 J/cm2 , the output power of 120 mW, and the area to be treated. Burning intensity was recorded through a visual analog scale before and after the treatment and at the 6-week follow-up. The percentage of the improvement in symptoms was also obtained. Results: Burning intensity at the end of the laser therapy was statistically lower than at the beginning ( p < 0.01). Patients reported an 80.4% reduction in the intensity of symptoms after laser treatment. There was no statistical difference between the end of the treatment and the 6-week follow-up, except for the tongue site. Conclusion: Under the investigated parameters, infrared LLLT proved to be a valuable alternative for BMS treatment, providing a significant and lasting reduction in symptoms.Artigo IPEN-doc 18845 The influence of red laser irradiation timeline on burn healing in rats2013 - NUNEZ, SILVIA C.; FRANÇA, CRISTIANE M.; SILVA, DANIELA F.T.; NOGUEIRA, GESSE E.C.; PRATES, RENATO A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.