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Artigo IPEN-doc 23888 Inhomogeneity in optical properties of rat brain: a study for LLLT dosimetry2013 - SOUSA, MARCELO V.P.; PRATES, RENATO; KATO, ILKA T.; SABINO, CAETANO P.; YOSHIMURA, TANIA M.; SUZUKI, LUIS C.; MAGALHAES, ANA C.; YOSHIMURA, ELISABETH M.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.Artigo IPEN-doc 22527 Red laser attenuation in biological tissues: study of the inflammatory process and pigmentation influence2012 - SABINO, CAETANO P.; MENEGUZZO, DAIANE T.; BENETTI, ENDI; KATO, ILKA T.; PRATES, RENATO A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.Artigo IPEN-doc 18506 CdTe/CdS-MPA quantum dots as fluorescent probes to label yeast cells: synthesis, characterization and conjugation with concanavalin A2012 - KATO, ILKA T.; SANTOS, CAMILA C.; BENETTI, ENDI; TENORIO, DENISE P.L.A.; CABRAL FILHO, PAULO E.; SABINO, CAETANO P.; FONTES, ADRIANA; SANTOS, BEATE S.; PRATES, RENATO A.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.Artigo IPEN-doc 18516 Desenvolvimento de um modelo in vivo para o estudo do efeito fotodinâmico em infecção fúngica2012 - RIBEIRO, M.S.; KATO, I.T.; SABINO, C.P.; SANTOS, C.C.; PRATES, R.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 19113 Antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation inhibits Candida albicans virulence factors and reduces In vivo pathogenicity2013 - KATO, ILKA T.; PRATES, RENATO A.; SABINO, CAETANO P.; FUCHS, BETH B.; TEGOS, GEORGE P.; MYLONAKIS, ELEFTHERIOS; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.