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Resumo IPEN-doc 21612 Automated irradiation systems for use in cyclotrons2001 - ARAUJO, S.G.; SCIANI, V.The objective of this work was the development of irradiating systems completely automatized, always aiming to reduce the radiation exposition dose to the workers and to increase the reliability of use of these systems, because very high activities are expected in these processes.Resumo IPEN-doc 09220 The utilization of a cyclotron CV-28 in basic and applied nuclear research and in an experimental accelerator driven system zero power lead sub critical facility2003 - MAIORINO, J.R.; SCIANI, V.; PEREIRA, S.A.The IPEN CV-28 cyclotron is a compact, isochronous, multi-particle radiation source where protons, deuterons, ³He++ and alpha can be accelerated with variable energies up to 24, 14, 36, and 28 MeV respectively. Discussion among the Brazilian Community interested in the utilization of accelerators into basic and applied research is resulting in a cooperative program or research network. With three main legs: R&D in Basic Applied Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Products and Services (e.g. radioisotopes), and an ADS (Accelerator Driven System) as an innovative neutron source which can be used to realize research in waste transmutation and energy production This paper will describe the CV-28 and the needed strategies to have it fully operational and utilized in the areas above described. The present community interest are: low energy cross sections nuclear reactions, charged particle activation analysis, hydrogen implantation for angular correlation studies, excitation function determination, helium embrittlement in structural reactor materials, radiation damage in metals and alloys, thin layer activation (TLA), beam monitoring, target development, new routes and new radioisotopes production and study of fission fragments induced by deuterium into uranium target. On the other hand there are many other possibilities such as neutron radiography, Rutherford back scattering (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE), perturbed angular distribution, Mésbauer spectroscopy and material modification with energetic beams. Besides these applications, which will be reviewed in the paper, a conceptual design of a zero power Lead U/Th Metallic Fuel Sub critical Facility which utilizes an accelerator beam into a target (Be, Li) to produce the external neutron source will be presented. This facility will be used for the Reactor Physics studies of ADS, allowing starting research in such innovative system. The core will consist of a square lead block with holes containing the fuel elements and cooled by air. Calculations will be performed by using LAHET and MCNP-4C code systems to obtain some reference parameters, such as source term (target), kess and flux distribution.Resumo IPEN-doc 16609 Sodium fluoride-18F: preparation and quality control2008 - SOUZA, A.A.; HERRERIAS, R.; BRUZINGA, W.; NEGRINI, A.; FUKUMORI, N.T.O.; MATSUDA, M.M.N.; SCIANI, V.; MENGATTI, J.; BARBOZA, M.F.Resumo IPEN-doc 10161 Otimizacao do sistema de alvo interno do ciclotron CV-28 do IPEN-CNEN/SP1995 - ARAUJO, S.G.; SCIANI, V.; LIMA, W.Resumo IPEN-doc 01869 Permeabilidade magnetica inicial do aco ferritico Fe-13 porcento Cr1995 - SCIANI, V.; MIRANDA, A.Resumo IPEN-doc 05799 Emprego de plastico Durolon como detetor de tracos de particula alfa1994 - MORAES, M.A.P.V.; PUGLIESI, R.; SCIANI, V.; MENEZES, M.O.; MIRANDA, A.Resumo IPEN-doc 04483 Effects of gamma radiation in polycarbonate1992 - ARAUJO, E.S.; MIRANDA, A.; GUEDES, S.M.L.; SCIANI, V.Resumo IPEN-doc 04262 Aplicacao de tecnicas nucleares no alto forno da COSIPA1991 - SILVA, J.P.; SCIANI, V.Resumo IPEN-doc 01962 Estudos do annealing de tracos de protons de energias entre 2 e 24 MeV em detectores polimeros Cr-391992 - PINHEIRO FILHO, J.D.; ALMEIDA, E.S.; BILBAO, E.Z.; SANTOS, R.C.; SILVA, A.X.; MORAES, S.B.; SCIANI, V.; RELA, P.R.Resumo IPEN-doc 02668 A liberacao de helio de metais de estrutura cubica de faces centradas1984 - SCIANI, V.; JUNG, P.; LUCKI, G.