Dating human occupational at Toca do Serrote das Moendas, São Raimundo Nonato, Piaui-Brasil by electron spin resonance and optically stimulated luminescence

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Journal of Human Evolution
ODS 15
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Excavation of Toca do Serrote das Moendas, in Piauí state, Brazil revealed a great quantity of fossil wild fauna associated with human remains. In particular, fossils of a cervid (Blastocerus dichotomus) were found, an animal frequently pictured in ancient rock wall paintings. In a well-defined stratum, two loose teeth of this species were found in close proximity to human bones. The teeth were independently dated by electron spin resonance (ESR) in two laboratories. The ages obtained for the teeth were 29 ± 3 ka (thousands of years) and 24 ± 1 ka. The concretion layer capping this stratum was dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of the quartz grains to 21 ± 3 ka. As these values were derived independently in three different laboratories, using different methods and equipment, these results are compelling evidence of early habitation in this area.

Como referenciar
KINOSHITA, ANGELA; SKINNER, ANNE R.; GUIDON, NIEDE; IGNACIO, ELAINE; FELICE, GISELE D.; BUCO, CRISTIANE de A.; TATUMI, SONIA; YEE, MARCIO; FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G.; BAFFA, OSWALDO. Dating human occupational at Toca do Serrote das Moendas, São Raimundo Nonato, Piaui-Brasil by electron spin resonance and optically stimulated luminescence. Journal of Human Evolution, v. 77, p. 187-195, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.09.006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Mar 2025.
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