A hybrid serpentine-interdigitated flow channel geometry for fuel cells

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Fuel cells have impressive potential for decarbonization and as high efficiency power sources, however many challenges have yet to be addressed for large scale deployment and uptake. Among the many noteworthy lines of research underway, investigating the best flow field in a given device has been carried a number of times, with perhaps limited success regarding performance improvement. As a possible final attempt to look over such matters individually, from the component point of view, we propose yet another flow channel geometry for small-scale fuel cells, in particular polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs). The proposed geometry incorporates elements from the two most studied geometries, namely single serpentine and interdigitated. The rationale is that serpentine channels have large pressure drop, thus aiding in water removal, while interdigitated promises to deliver large quantities of reactants to the catalyst. However both seem to fail where the other excels, and thus devices are left to compromises. The new geometry, as well as its inspirations, are simulated in a previously validated computational model, further improved and with high spatial resolution, of a prototype PEFC cathode. The model is isothermic, non-electrochemical and disregards water, as the experimental system. However it has been shown to be useful when studying PEFCs, and a secondary goal of this work is to corroborate this. Comparing simulation results between geometries, it is seen that the hybrid geometry does inherit the characteristics of interest, i.e. high reactant utilization and pressure drop, suggesting it may be of use in real PEFCs. Finally, a niche application is proposed based on the reaction rate distribution of the hybrid geometry.

Como referenciar
BERUSKI, OTAVIO; KORKISCHKO, IVAN; LOPES, THIAGO; FONSECA, FABIO C.; PEREZ, JOELMA. A hybrid serpentine-interdigitated flow channel geometry for fuel cells. In: ENERGY TRANSITION RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, October 1-2, 2019, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo: Research Centre for Gas Innovation, 2019. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/30867. Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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