Occupational doses involved in a radioactive waste management laboratory
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The Radioactive Waste Laboratory (RWL) of IPEN-CNEN/SP receives, treats, packs, characterizes
and stores institutional radioactive wastes, in their physical forms solid, liquid or gaseous and sealed radioactive
sources, with the objective to assure an adequate level of protection to the population and to future generations and
the preservation of environment. Since its creation, RWL has already received and treated about one thousand
cubic meter of solid waste, eight thousand spent sealed radioactive sources from practices in industry, medicine
and research, totaling more than 100 TBq. In addition, fifteen thousand radioactive lightning rods and twenty two
thousand radioactive smoke detectors were received. The activities accomplished in RWL, as dismantling of
lightning rods, compaction of solid wastes, decontamination of objects, waste characterization, treated waste
packages rearrangement, among others, cause risks of intake and/or external exposure of workers. Requirements
of radiological safety established in the regulations of the nuclear authority and international recommendations are
consolidated in the RWL radioprotection plan in order to ensure the safety and protection of workers. In this
paper, it was evaluated if the procedures adopted were in accordance with the requirements established in the
radioprotection plan. It was also studied which activities in the waste management had substantial contribution to
the occupational doses of the RWL workers in the period from 2001 up to 2006. For that, the radioprotection plan,
the operational and safety procedures, the records of workplace monitoring and the individual dose reports were
analyzed. It was observed that the highest individual doses resulted from operations of treated waste packages
rearrangement in the facility, and none of the workers received doses above the annual limit.
Como referenciar
LIMA, RAQUEL dos S.; SILVA, AMANDA J. da; FERNANDES, IVANI M.; MITAKE, MALVINA B.; SUZUKI, FABIO F. Occupational doses involved in a radioactive waste management laboratory. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL RADIATION PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, 12th, October 19-24, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Proceedings... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/15926. Acesso em: 28 Mar 2025.
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