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Resumo IPEN-doc 26072 Analise dosimétrica de um laboratório de radiobiodistribuição in vivo usando CaSO4:Dy2019 - CAMPOS, R.F.; CAMPOS, V.P.; MITAKE, M.B.; ARAUJO, E.B.Resumo IPEN-doc 23864 Crotamine toxicity revisited: novel insights based on KV channel inhibition2012 - TYTGAT, JAN; PEIGNEUR, STEVE; BELATO Y ORTS, DIEGO J.; SILVA, ALVARO P. da; OGUIURA, NANCY; BONI-MITAKE, MALVINA; ZAHARENKO, ANDRE J.Crotamine, a 5KDa peptide possesses a unique biological versatility. Not only its cell-penetrating activity has become of clinical interest but moreover, its potential selective anti-tumor activity is of great pharmacological importance. Before, several studies have attempted to elucidate the exact molecular target responsible for the crotamine-induced skeletal muscle spasm. The aim of this study was to investigate whether crotamine affects voltage-gated potassium (KV) channels in an effort to explain its in vivo effects. Crotamine was studied on ion channel function using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique on 16 cloned ion channels (12 KV channels and 4 NaV channels), expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Crotamine selectively inhibits KV1.1, KV1.2 and KV1.3 channels with an IC50 of ~300 nM and the key amino acids responsible for this molecular interaction are highlighted. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the symptoms which are observed in the typical crotamine syndrome may result from the inhibition of KV channels. The ability of crotamine to inhibit the potassium current through KV channels unravels it as the first snake peptide with the unique multifunctionality such as cell penetrating, antitumoral activity and KV channel inhibiting properties. The potent and selective KV channel inhibiting properties, as demonstrated in this work, can be an advantage for the use of crotamine or its derivatives as antitumor drug. This new property of crotamine might explain some experimental observations and opens new perspectives of pharmacological uses.Resumo IPEN-doc 04677 A single step purification method for bothropstoxin 11997 - SPENCER, P.J.; NASCIMENTO, N.; AIRD, S.D.; MITAKE, M.B.; ROGERO, J.R.Artigo IPEN-doc 10878 Estudo da seguranca em eventos radiologicos com fontes seladas2003 - MITAKE, M.B.; SUZUKI, F.F.; RODRIGUES, D.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 08724 Descontaminacao de superficies na Usina de Uranio Metalico da Divisao de Processos Metalurgicos IPEN/CNEN-SP2002 - CAMBISES, P.B.S.; ALMEIDA, C.C.; VASQUES, F.M.F.; SILVA, T.M.; MITAKE, M.B.; RODRIGUES, D.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 19486 Preliminary evaluation of a Neutron Calibration Laboratory2013 - ALVARENGA, TALYSSON S.; NEVES, LUCIO P.; PERINI, ANA P.; SANCHES, MATIAS P.; MITAKE, MALVINA B.; FEDERICO, CLAUDIO A.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E.Artigo IPEN-doc 13376 Considerations in the leakage test on sealed radioactive sources2008 - SUZUKI, FABIO F.; MITAKE, MALVINA B.; KODAMA, YASKO; LIMA, RAQUEL dos S.Artigo IPEN-doc 13377 Occupational doses involved in a radioactive waste management laboratory2008 - LIMA, RAQUEL dos S.; SILVA, AMANDA J. da; FERNANDES, IVANI M.; MITAKE, MALVINA B.; SUZUKI, FABIO F.The Radioactive Waste Laboratory (RWL) of IPEN-CNEN/SP receives, treats, packs, characterizes and stores institutional radioactive wastes, in their physical forms solid, liquid or gaseous and sealed radioactive sources, with the objective to assure an adequate level of protection to the population and to future generations and the preservation of environment. Since its creation, RWL has already received and treated about one thousand cubic meter of solid waste, eight thousand spent sealed radioactive sources from practices in industry, medicine and research, totaling more than 100 TBq. In addition, fifteen thousand radioactive lightning rods and twenty two thousand radioactive smoke detectors were received. The activities accomplished in RWL, as dismantling of lightning rods, compaction of solid wastes, decontamination of objects, waste characterization, treated waste packages rearrangement, among others, cause risks of intake and/or external exposure of workers. Requirements of radiological safety established in the regulations of the nuclear authority and international recommendations are consolidated in the RWL radioprotection plan in order to ensure the safety and protection of workers. In this paper, it was evaluated if the procedures adopted were in accordance with the requirements established in the radioprotection plan. It was also studied which activities in the waste management had substantial contribution to the occupational doses of the RWL workers in the period from 2001 up to 2006. For that, the radioprotection plan, the operational and safety procedures, the records of workplace monitoring and the individual dose reports were analyzed. It was observed that the highest individual doses resulted from operations of treated waste packages rearrangement in the facility, and none of the workers received doses above the annual limit.Artigo IPEN-doc 07074 Optimization analysis in radioactive decontamination2001 - MITAKE, M.B.; SANCHES, M.P.; CAMBISES, P.B.S.; SORDI, G.M.A.A.; RODRIGUES, D.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 07103 Resultados de resposta a emergencias radiologicas no Estado de Sao Paulo nos ultimos cinco anos2001 - MITAKE, M.B.; SUZUKI, F.F.; NICOLAU, J.R.A.; RODRIGUES, D.L.
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