Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4-HfO2 nanoparticles by magnetization and hyperfine interactions measurements

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Nanoparticles (NPs) that combine biocompatibility and enhanced physical characteristics for biomedical applications are currently an area of intense scientific research. Hafnium oxide NPs is an innovative approach in the anticancer treatment by radiotherapy due to their low toxicity and enhancement of local dose in the tumor reducing the total radiation dose for the patient [1]. The combination of this amazing property with the excellent magnetic hyperthermia performance of Fe3O4 NPs can produce a promising nanomaterial for cancer therapy. In the present work, we have synthesized NPs samples of Fe3O4 doped with 10%Hf and HfO2 doped with 10% Fe by chemical procedures. The samples had their morphological, structural, and magnetic properties characterized by some results being displayed in Fig. 1. The crystal structure of the samples was characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), whose results present a single phase. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) images show spherical and hexagonal NPs with an average size of 12 nm as displayed in Fig. 2. The magnetic property was investigated by magnetization measurement. The results from the temperature dependence of ZFC-FC magnetization show a large peak in the ZFC curve corresponding to a broad distribution of blocking temperatures as shown in Fig. 1(b). Fortunately, when irradiated with neutrons in a research reactor, the nuclear reaction 180Hf(n,γ)181Hf yields the probe nucleus 181Hf(181Ta) used by the perturbed angular correlations (PAC) technique to measure hyperfine interactions. Both samples show electric quadrupole interaction characteristics of the HfO2 phase indicating that the Fe replaces Hf in HfO2 NPs, but rather than substituting Fe, Hf form HfO2 NPs diluted in Fe3O4 NPs. Moreover, a pure time-dependent magnetic dipole interaction below 300 K was observed for Fe3O4 NPs mixed with 10% of HfO2.

Como referenciar
MATOS, IZABELA T.; SALES, TATIANE S.; CABRERA-PASCA, GABRIEL; BURIMOVA, ANASTASIA; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.; PEREIRA, LUCIANO F.; OTUBO, LARISSA; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4-HfO2 nanoparticles by magnetization and hyperfine interactions measurements. In: ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 65th, November 2-6, 2020, Online. Abstract... Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Feb 2025.
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