The heavy-ion nuclear potential: determination of a systematic behavior at the region of surface interaction distances
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Nuclear Physics, A
Como referenciar
SILVA, C.P.; ALVAREZ, M.A.G.; CHAMON, L.C.; PEREIRA, D.; RAO, M.N.; ROSSI JUNIOR, E.S.; GASQUES, L.R.; SANTO, M.A.E.; ANJOS, R.M.; LUBIAN, J.; GOMES, P.R.S.; MURI, C.; CARLSON, B.V.; KAILAS, S.; CHATTERJEE, A.; SINGH, P.; SHRIVASTAVA, A.; MAHATA, K.; SANTRA, S. The heavy-ion nuclear potential: determination of a systematic behavior at the region of surface interaction distances. Nuclear Physics, A, v. 679, n. 3/4, p. 287-303, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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