Europium-doped hydroxyapatite: influence of excitation wavelength on the Eusup(3+) luminescence in the hydroxyapatite
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Materials Science Forum
Como referenciar
SILVA, FLAVIA R.O.; LIMA, NELSON B. de; GOUVEIA, DEIBY S.; FERREIRA, NILDEMAR A.M.; USSUI, VALTER; COURROL, LILIA C.; BRESSIANI, ANA H.A. Europium-doped hydroxyapatite: influence of excitation wavelength on the Eusup(3+) luminescence in the hydroxyapatite. Materials Science Forum, v. 820, p. 335-340, 2015. DOI: 10.4028/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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