On the use of AI formetamodeling
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Soft Computing
In scenarios where complex analyses are routinely conducted on similar structures, such as in a redesign process to meet performance requirements or when input parameters require frequent adjustments within a specified domain, a practical approach involves the use of metamodels calibrated using machine learning methodologies. In our investigation, we introduce a metamodel that utilizes an artificial neural network to analyze 3D nonlinear structures undergoing plastic deformations and large strains. Snap-through and snapback behaviors are addressed through network training, which is based on 10,000 Force vs Displacement curves (target outputs) obtained from nonlinear finite element analyses. This interplay between finite element analysis and machine learning, as demonstrated here, exhibits promising potential as an effective technique. The results indicate that the proposed deep neural network can learn from the simulations of finite elements. The discussion explores scenarios where the utilization of AI in the analysis of nonlinear structures is justified.
Como referenciar
DRIEMEIER, LARISSA; CABRAL, EDUARDO L.L.; RODRIGUES, GABRIEL L.; TSUZUKI, MARCOS; ALVES, MARCILIO; COSTA, LUCAS P. da; MOURA, RAFAEL T. On the use of AI formetamodeling: a case study of a 3D bar structure. Soft Computing, v. 28, n. 9-10, p. 6937-6951, 2024. DOI: 10.1007/s00500-023-09491-0. Disponível em: https://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/48174. Acesso em: 15 Mar 2025.
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