Development and characterization of polymeric microparticle of poly(D,L-lactic acid) loaded with holmium acetylacetonate

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Journal of Microencapsulation: micro and nano carriers
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Biodegradable polymers containing radioactive isotopes such as Holmium 166 (166Ho) have potential applications as beta particle emitters in tumour tissues. It is also a gamma ray emitter, allowing nuclear imaging of any tissue to be acquired. It is frequently used in the form of complexes such as holmium acetylacetonate (HoAcAc), which may cause damages in tissues next to the targets cancer cells, as it is difficult to control its linkage or healthy tissues radiotherapy effects. Poly(d,l-lactic acid), PDLLA, was used to encapsulate holmium acetylacetonate (HoAcAc) using an emulsion solvent extraction/evaporation technique. Microspheres with sizes between 20-53 µm were extensively characterised. HoAcAc release from the microspheres was assessed through studies using Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy, and the microspheres showed no holmium leakage after a period of 10 half-lives and following gamma irradiation. Thus, HoAcAc loaded microspheres are here presented as a potential system for brachytherapy and imaging purposes.

Como referenciar
AZEVEDO, MARIANGELA de B.M. de; MELO, VITOR H.S. de; SOARES, CARLOS R.J.; MIYAMOTO, DOUGLAS M.; KATAYAMA, RICARDO A.; SQUAIR, PETERSON L.; BARROS, CAIO H.N.; TASIC, LJUBICA. Development and characterization of polymeric microparticle of poly(D,L-lactic acid) loaded with holmium acetylacetonate. Journal of Microencapsulation: micro and nano carriers, v. 35, n. 3, p. 281-291, 2018. DOI: 10.1080/02652048.2018.1477843. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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