Analysis of the physical models used for nuclear ceramic fuel

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Engenharias: desafios e soluções nas múltiplas fronteiras do conhecimento
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Nuclear ceramics resist to radiation exposure and may change their thermal and mechanical properties. Many ceramic fuels, such as UO2 and mixed oxide (MOX), are the primary fuels used in the current commercial light water reactors. Fusion reactor use of low-activity ceramics, primarily silicon carbide, will eliminate the generation of large quantities of highly radioactive waste. Silicon carbides show desirable mechanical properties and corrosion resistance at high temperatures, making them essential for nuclear fuel cladding intended for a vast range of fuels in LWRs, Gas-cooled reactors use TRISO fuel at high temperatures. Generation IV reactors scheduled for 2035 have defined seven reactor types that will operate at higher temperatures with extended burn cycles, employing innovative fuels focusing on carbide UC and nitride UN. A review of the thermal and mechanical models used in the FRAPCON codes is presented.

Como referenciar
GOMES, D.S. Analysis of the physical models used for nuclear ceramic fuel. In: OLIVEIRA, ANTONELLA C. de (ed.); HOLZMANN, HENRIQUE A. (org.); BILCATI, GÉSSICA K. (org.). Engenharias: desafios e soluções nas múltiplas fronteiras do conhecimento. Ponta Grossa, PR: Atena, 2024. , cap. 18. p. 248-258. DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.64224240418. Disponível em: Acesso em: 09 Mar 2025.
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