Consistency test of coincidence-summing calculation methods for extended sources

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Applied Radiation and Isotopes
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An internal consistency test of the calculation of coincidence-summing correction factors FC for volume sources is presented. The test is based on exact equations relating the values of FC calculated for three ideal measurement configurations. The test is applied to a number of 33 sets of FC values sent by 21 teams. Most sets passed the test, but not the results obtained using the quasi-point source approximation; in the latter case the test qualitatively indicated the magnitude of the bias of FC.

Como referenciar
SIMA, O.; DE VISMES OTT, A.; DIAS, M.S.; DRYAK, P.; FERREUX, L.; GURAU, D.; HURTADO, S.; JODLOWSKI, P.; KARFOPOULOS, K.; KOSKINAS, M.F.; LAUBENSTEIN, M.; LEE, Y.K.; LEPY, M.C.; LUCA, A.; MENEZES, M.O.; MOREIRA, D.S.; NIKOLIC, J.; PEYRES, V.; SAGANOWSKI, P.; SAVVA, M.I.; SEMMLER, R.; SOLC, J.; THANH, T.T.; TYMINSKA, K.; TYMINSKI, Z.; VIDMAR, T.; VUKANAC, I.; YUCEL, H. Consistency test of coincidence-summing calculation methods for extended sources. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, v. 155, p. 1-11, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2019.108921. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 Jun 2024.
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