Effects of the diode laser irradiation on root surfaces

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Brazilian Dental Journal
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temperature rising inside the pulpar cavity during the diode laser irradiation on the root surface. Twelve single root teeth were used and their mesial and distal surfaces were irradiated (808 nm, 400 m, 30 s), in a continuous mode (CW) and in an switched mode (SW) (10 Hz). The temperature rise was evaluated deppending with the power used (0.4 W to 2.2 W). The temperature was monitorated with a termopar (T) fixed inside de pulpar cavity during the irradiation. In a second step two parameters was used in a SW (10 Hz). The safety temperature was keep using the power: Group A - 0.9 W (mesial ) and Group B - 1.08 W (distal). The results showed the termal pulpar events (T) during the irradiation, based in an specific relation with the power (P), like T= -0.4+3.7P in a CW and T= -0.2+2P in a SW. The temperature rising during the irradiation was 3.4±0.4ºC on Group A and 4.0±1.0ºC on Group B. The irradiation mode and the power are much important to temperature rise inside the pulpar cavity and the 0.9 W and 1.08 W radiation on the root surfaces were safety.

Como referenciar
HAYPEK, P.; THEODORO, L.H.; BACHMANN, L.; EDUARDO, C.P.; SAMPAIO, J.E.C.; ZEZELL, D.M. Effects of the diode laser irradiation on root surfaces: thermal analysis. Brazilian Dental Journal, v. 15, p. 110-110, 2004. Special issue. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/32749. Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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