Verification and validation of seven turbulence models for a natural circulation loop under transient conditions
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Annals of Nuclear Energy
A numerical study of the vertical heater, vertical cooler (VHVC) natural circulation loop (NCL) at IPEN/CNEN-SP was conducted using a three-dimensional and transient mathematical model analyzed with the commercial software ANSYS CFX. The study focused on the stable and single-phase flow regime, with a Rayleigh number ranging from zero to 2.8×108. Seven turbulence models have been benchmarked: Zero Equation, Eddy Viscosity Transport Equation (EVTE), k−ω, k−ɛ, Shear Stress Transport (SST), Reynolds Stress (SSG), and Detached Eddy Simulation (DES). The results of these models were compared against each other and against experimental results obtained specifically for this purpose, focusing on the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of temperature at various points in the natural circulation loop. Among all tested models, the k−ɛ model demonstrated superior performance with the lowest average deviation, exhibiting lower initial turbulence production and buoyancy effects than the more complex models. This behavior suggests that the k−ɛ model is more accurate in predicting temperature distribution and is a better choice for transient flow analysis in natural circulation loops with similar geometries to those presented in this study.
Como referenciar
ANGELO, G.; ANGELO, E.; SCURO, N.L.; TORRES, W.M.; ANDRADE, D.A. Verification and validation of seven turbulence models for a natural circulation loop under transient conditions. Annals of Nuclear Energy, v. 206, p. 1-22, 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2024.110612. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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