Unveiling fundamental transport phenomena in fuel cells
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In situ and ex situ spatially-resolved techniques are employed to investigate reactant distribution and
its impacts in a polymer electrolyte fuel cell. Temperature distribution data provides further evidence
for secondary flows inferred from reactant imaging data, highlighting the contribution of convection in
heat as well as reactant distribution. Water build-up from neutron tomography is linked to component
degradation, matching the pattern seen in the reactant distribution and thus suggesting that high, nonuniform
local current densities shape degradation patterns in fuel cells. The correlations shown
between different techniques confirm the use of the versatile reactant imaging technique, which is
used to compare commonly used flow field designs. Among serpentine-type designs, the single
serpentine is superior in both equivalent current density and reactant distribution, showing large
contributions from convective flow. On the other hand, the interdigitated design is shown to produce
larger equivalent current densities, while showing a somewhat poorer reactant distribution.
Considering the correlations drawn between the techniques, this suggests that the interdigitated
design compromises durability in favour of power output. The results highlight how established
techniques provide a robust background for the use of a new and flexible imaging technique toward
designing advanced flow fields for practical fuel cell applications.
Como referenciar
LOPES, THIAGO; BERUSKI, OTAVIO; KORKISCHKO, IVAN; MANTHANWAR, AMIT M.; PISTIKOPOULOS, EFSTRATIOS N.; FONSECA, FABIO C.; MENEGHINI, JULIO R.; KUCERNAK, ANTHONY R. Unveiling fundamental transport phenomena in fuel cells. In: ENERGY TRANSITION RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, October 1-2, 2019, São Paulo, SP. Abstract... São Paulo: Research Centre for Gas Innovation, 2019. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/30866. Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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