A first Amazon CH4 budget and its controls based on atmospheric data from vertical profiles measurements
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Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira - Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research
The role of tropical regions in the global CH4 balance remained uncertain, due these regions have until recently been poorly observed with large-scale integrating
in-situ observations. To contribute in understanding the CH4 balance in tropical regions, we have started a lower-troposphere greenhouse gas-monitoring program
over Brazilian Amazon Basin consisting of regular vertical profile greenhouse gas observations at four sites. Samples are collected regularly each 2 weeks, using
light aircraft. We will present an analysis of these data and what they tell us about the Amazon CH4 cycle and its contribution to global CH4 concentration. We
estimate fluxes upwind of the sites from the profile data using a column budgeting approach (Miller et al., 2007). Over the full period (2010-2017) the Amazon
Basin was a source of CH4, but with regional variations. There are comparably high and highly variable emissions from the eastern part of the basin exhibiting
strong variability, with particularly high CH4 fluxes in two different periods of the year (beginning of the wet season and in the dry season). In contrast to this,
a clear seasonality was observed at the other three sites, with the largest emissions occurring at the beginning of the wet season (January to March). Emissions
from biomass burning contribute with a small part of the total flux at each site. We will finally discuss what is the influence from precipitation and temperature
in the Amazon CH4 emissions.
Como referenciar
BASSO, LUANA S.; GATTI, LUCIANA V.; MARANI, LUCIANO; CASSOL, HENRIQUE L.G.; TEJADA, GRACIELA; CORREIA, CAIO S.C.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G.; CRISPIM, STEPHANE P.; NEVES, RAIANE A.L.; ARAI, EGIDIO; MILLER, JOHN B.; GLOOR, MANUEL; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; ARAGAO, LUIZ E.O.C. A first Amazon CH4 budget and its controls based on atmospheric data from vertical profiles measurements. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira - Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research, v. 39, p. 528-528, 2019. Special issue. DOI: 10.4336/2019.pfb.39e201902043. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 Mar 2025.
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