Radionuclides of natural origin in environmental samples collected in the catchment area of Ponte Nova reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil
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Natural radiation is generally classified as terrestrial primordial radiation or cosmogenic radiation.
Primordial radiation is mostly due to the decay series of 238U and 232Th and is present in soil, sediments and water;
another important source of natural radiation is 40K. Reservoirs are a very dynamic system with several phenomena
to study, due to their huge impact on ecosystems and river flow. Ponte Nova reservoir (23°34'43.23"S,
45°56'56.76"W) is the first reservoir in a cascade system that was built in the 1970s to control the Upper Tietê
River basin water flow. In the present work, the activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 228Th, 228Ra
and 40K were determined using instrumental neutron activation analysis and gamma spectrometry in soil profiles
collected in the catchment area of Ponte Nova Reservoir and sediment cores collected close to the soil samples.
The highest concentration obtained in the soil samples was for 40K that varied from 49 to 2410 Bq/kg and 210Pb in
the sediment samples, which varied from 20 to 774 Bq/kg. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis were
applied to all the results obtained to verify a probable correlation between the radionuclides determined in the soil
and sediment samples.
Como referenciar
SILVA, A.R.; DAMATTO, S.R.; LEONARDO, L.; GONÇALVES, P.N.; SOUZA, J.M.; MADUAR, M.F. Radionuclides of natural origin in environmental samples collected in the catchment area of Ponte Nova reservoir, São Paulo, Brazil. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, 8th, October 18-21, 2016, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings... Vienna, Austria: IAEA, 2018. p. 179-185. (Proceedings Series IAEA). Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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