Lignin‑based polyethylene films with enhanced thermal, opacity and biodegradability properties for agricultural mulch applications

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Journal of Polymers and the Environment
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Lignins are promising alternative raw materials for biocomposites due to their renewability, low cost and abundance. In this work, the use of (softwood and hardwood) Kraft lignins in the development of LLDPE/lignin films for agricultural mulch applications is studied. Processable blends were obtained from unmodified softwood lignin (SW) and from hardwood lignin modified by esterification (HWE). LLDPE was pelletized with (2.5%, 5% and 10%) lignin with particle size between 38 and 75 μm and flexible films were blown extruded. Processable extrusion blends showed temperature differences lower than 20 °C between the Tg of lignin and the melting temperature of LLPDE. Films from neat LLPDE and with 2.5% of HWE and up to 5% SW exhibited statistically comparable (≅ 349%) values of ductility. Ester groups present in lignin improve weight loss of lignin-based blends after soil buried test.

Como referenciar
CHIAPPERO, LUCIO R.; BARTOLOMEI, SUELLEN S.; ESTENOZ, DIANA A.; MOURA, ESPERIDIANA A.B.; NICOLAU, VERONICA V. Lignin‑based polyethylene films with enhanced thermal, opacity and biodegradability properties for agricultural mulch applications. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, v. 29, p. 450-459, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10924-020-01886-6. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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