Measurements of residual stresses in aluminum wheels using the techniques of XRD, strain gages and FEA simulation - a comparison
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SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing
Studying the formation and distribution of residual stress fields will improve the wheel safety operational criteria among other gains.
Many engineering specifications, manufacturing procedures, inspection and quality control have begun to require that the residual
stress of a particular component to be evaluated. It is known that these residual stress fields could be added to the effects of a system
load (tare weight plus occupation of vehicle, traction, braking and torque combined). The mathematical tools for modeling and
simulations using finite elements had evolved following the increasing computing power and hardware cost reduction. On the other
hand, the experimental testing, offers specific physical component behavior and with the use of statistical tools, it is possible to predict
the real behavior of the component when in operation. The experiments undertaken used the X-ray diffraction technique and the
drilling method with rosette type strain gages. The experimental results were convergent with similarity to those obtained using FEA
simulation over critical region for global and superficial in the principal stresses mode. The relevance of the present study and research
on residual stresses meets safety improvements in car’s wheel industry.
Como referenciar
CIONE, FRANCISCO C.; SOUZA, ARMANDO; MARTINEZ, LUIZ; ROSSI, JESUALDO; BETINI, EVANDRO G.; ROLA, FABIO; COLOSIO, MARCO A. Measurements of residual stresses in aluminum wheels using the techniques of XRD, strain gages and FEA simulation - a comparison. SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, v. 9, n. 3, p. 685-687, 2016. DOI: 10.4271/2016-01-0426. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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