The effect of niobium and boron content on magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of Pr-Fe-Co-B-Nb HD magnets
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Materials Science Forum
The hydrogenation decrepitation process was employed to produce sintered magnets using a mixture of two alloys. The effect of niobium and boron content on the magnetic properties of Pr14FebalCo16BxNby-type sintered magnets was studied. Niobium and boron have a significant effect on the magnetic behavior of these permanent magnets. The optimum amount of boron was 6 at% and niobium should be kept below to 0.50 at%. The squareness factor (0.90) has been improved considerably and good overall magnetic properties (Br=1320 mT, iHc=700 kAm-1 and (BH)max=315 kJm-3) have been achieved for the sintered magnets prepared from the Pr14Fe63.85Co16B6Nb0.15 alloy.
Como referenciar
ANGELO, J.D.; MOTTA, C.C.; BARBOSA, L.P.; TAKIISHI, H.; COSTA, I.; FARIA, R.N. The effect of niobium and boron content on magnetic properties and corrosion resistance of Pr-Fe-Co-B-Nb HD magnets. Materials Science Forum, v. 591-593, p. 96-101, 2008. DOI: 10.4028/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Feb 2025.
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