Phase transformation/stabilization and ionic conductivity in tantalum oxide co‑doped zirconia‑scandia solid electrolyte
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The influence of small amounts of tantalum oxide as co-dopant on phase transformation and stabilization, microstructure
and ionic conductivity of zirconia-10 mol% scandia is reported in this work. Cylindrical pellets were prepared by solid state
synthesis with sintering at 1500 °C for 5 h. High relative density values (> 95%) were achieved. Reduction of the enthalpy
for the cubic ⇌β-rhombohedral phase transformation was found for increasing amounts of the co-dopant. Full stabilization
of the cubic structure at room temperature was obtained with only 0.45 mol% tantalum oxide addition. The ionic conductivity
of sintered specimens was investigated as a function of the temperature and oxygen partial pressure by impedance spectroscopy.
The fully stabilized co-doped system revealed a pure ionic conduction behavior up to 800 °C with wide electrolytic
domain. In the 700–800 °C range, the ionic conductivity of co-doped specimens is similar to that of pure zirconia-scandia.
Como referenciar
SOUZA, J.P.; FUJIMOTO, T.G.; BATISTA, R.M.; STEIL, M.C.; MUCCILLO, R.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S. Phase transformation/stabilization and ionic conductivity in tantalum oxide co‑doped zirconia‑scandia solid electrolyte. Ionics, v. 28, n. 8, p. 3919-3926, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s11581-022-04604-5. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Feb 2025.
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