Neodymium doped lithium yttrium fluoride (Nd:YLiF4) lasers

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Handbook of solid-state lasers: Materials, systems and applications
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As a laser material, the neodymium doped lithium yttrium fluoride laser shows some very important and favorable characteristics when it comes to laser beam quality, efficient high-energy pulsed operation and parametric processes, amongst other applications. In this chapter we will discuss several approaches that have resulted in efficient, high-quality laser beams usually through decreasing the influence of the structural drawbacks of the YLF host whilst taking advantage of its favorable optical properties.

Como referenciar
WETTER, N.U. Neodymium doped lithium yttrium fluoride (Nd:YLiF4) lasers. In: DENKER, B. (ed.); SHKLOVSKY, E. (ed.). Handbook of solid-state lasers: Materials, systems and applications. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing, 2013. , cap. 12. p. 323-340. (Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, 35). DOI: 10.1533/9780857097507.2.323. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Oct 2024.
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