Highly enhanced luminescence of SrBsub(4)Osub(7):Eusup(2+) phosphor prepared by the combustion method using glycine as fuel
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Optical Materials
Eu2+ ion doped into SrB4O7 matrix was prepared by combustion method heated at 900 °C in air, using urea (U) or glycine (G) as fuels in different ratios (U100, A10, A25, G10, G25, G75, and G100). In some compositions, ammonium acetate (AA) was used to reduce the exothermicity of combustion reaction. X-ray diffraction and luminescence spectroscopy were used to characterize the material. The high intense emission band at 367 nm is assigned to 4f65d → 4f7(8S7/2) transition arisen from divalent europium ion. It is observed that the interconfigurational transition is dependent on the molar ratio of glycine:urea fuels. Glycine fuel favors Eu2+ formation in SrB4O7 host lattice prepared by combustion method.
Como referenciar
STEFANI, ROBERVAL; MAIA, ALESSANDRA de S.; KODAIRA, CLAUDIA A.; TEOTONIO, ERCULES E.S.; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C.; BRITO, HERMI F. Highly enhanced luminescence of SrBsub(4)Osub(7):Eusup(2+) phosphor prepared by the combustion method using glycine as fuel. Optical Materials, v. 29, p. 1852-1855, 2007. DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2006.10.012. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/5211. Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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