DFT-based Calculations of the Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions at Cd Sites in RECd Compounds with the FP-LAPW ELK Code
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In this work we tested the methodology to map magnetic hyperfine interactions in strongly
correlated materials using a free open-source all-electron FP-LAPW code ELK. The RECd (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd,
Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) series was chosen as a laboratory system, since an almost complete
set of experimental data on the hyperfine parameters at Cd sites in these compounds was acquired previously
with an extremely sensitive TDPAC technique [1]. Moreover, these TDPAC results were complemented with
WIEN2k DFT calculations that allow a qualitative comparison of the two codes. The ELK calculations were
performed with PBE96 GGA-type exchange-correlation functional, the cases of scalar relativistic approximation
and fully relativistic relaxation of the states were treated separately. A dense k-mesh and adequate R(MT)K(max)
were chosen in both cases to comply with the sensitivity of magnetic hyperfine parameters.
We emphasize that the exploited version of ELK accounted for the contact field only. Yet, as it is the only
contribution expected for Cd site in RECd, the values of B(hf), albeit generally overestimated, have shown
reasonable agreement with the experiment (Fig. 1). Spin-orbit coupling taken into account led to a decrease in
deviation from experimental data. An addition of the Hubbard-like term was essential to reach a tolerable result
for CeCd. This behavior may be associated with a weaker localization of the 4f electron of Ce.
Concerning the potential sources of discrepancy between our ELK results and those previously obtained with
WIEN2k, (i) a different way of accounting for relativistic corrections, (ii) the use of GGA (our ELK study) versus
LDA (previous WIEN2k study) and other details are discussed.
Como referenciar
SCALISE, LEVY; BURIMOVA, ANASTASIA; PEREIRA, LUCIANO F.; FERREIRA, WANDERSON; SALES, TATIANE; GONÇALVES, VITOR; CABRERA-PASCA, GABRIEL; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. DFT-based Calculations of the Magnetic Hyperfine Interactions at Cd Sites in RECd Compounds with the FP-LAPW ELK Code. In: ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 65th, November 2-6, 2020, Online. Abstract... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/33056. Acesso em: 28 Feb 2025.
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