Synthesis and sintering behaviour of the lanthanum chromite doped with strontium and cobalt for SOFC interconnect applications
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Advances in solid oxide fuel cells III: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings
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Lanthanum Chromite has been the main candidate as interconnect material for high
temperature fuel cell applications, SOFC. So all researches on the direction to clarify some
aspects of this material continue to be an interesting contribution to understand and modify
the behavior of the Lanthanum Chromite in use. The effort of this work is attaining doped
Lanthanum Chromite by combustion synthesis, optimizing the parameters of the synthesis
process and studying the influence of the conditioning powder process as milling, atmosphere
and temperature of the sintering and also additives concentration on the final density,
crystalline structures and expansion thermal behavior. The main characterization techniques
used were BET determinations, Archimedes density method, dilatometry, scanning electronic
microscopy, X ray diffraction and Rietveld method for refinements of the phases
quantification. The homogeneous Lanthanum Chromite doped with Strontium and Cobalt
with sintered densities around 97th% and thermal expansion coefficient compatible for SOFC
applications (12x10-6°C) were attained with control of the adequate concentrations additives,
synthesis conditions, the control of the atmosphere, time and temperature of the sintering
Como referenciar
SETZ, L.F.G.; CORREA, H.P.S.; YAMAGATA, C.; MELLO CASTANHO, S.R.H. Synthesis and sintering behaviour of the lanthanum chromite doped with strontium and cobalt for SOFC interconnect applications. In: BANSAL, NAROTTAM P. (ed.); SALEM, JONATHAN (ed.); ZBU, DONGMING (ed.). Advances in solid oxide fuel cells III: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings. DOI: 10.1002/9780470339534.ch23. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 Mar 2025.
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