Annealing effect on the structural and local magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles studied by hyperfine interaction measurements
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Nickel ferrite in the form of nanoparticles is a technologically important material that can be
applied for the production of biosensors, catalysts, drug delivery, and magnetic resonance contrast agents. In
this work NiFe O samples comprising spherical nanoparticles of ~6 nm in diameter have been synthesized via
a thermal decomposition route. The quality control of the samples was carried out with conventional
techniques including X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Post-synthesis XRD pattern
revealed textured spinel NiFe O . Local magnetic properties were examined with Time Differential Perturbed
Angular Correlation (TDPAC) spectroscopy within the 12 - 773K temperature range with In( Cd) probe
introduced into the samples at synthesis. Quasi-static magnetic properties were observed (including above
room temperature), as expected due to the small time window of TDPAC. The TDPAC results shown in Fig. 1
were analyzed using a model with combined electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole interactions. An
expressive dynamic interaction was observed upon heating after synthesis. A theoretical model based on the
Brillouin function for different ionic moments was applied to study the evolution of the hyperfine magnetic field
with temperature (see Fig. 1-2) and allowed to attribute the magnetic interaction to the probe location at Fe3+ site. Site occupancy and the interplay between magnetic and structural properties are discussed with respect
to application perspectives.
Como referenciar
RODRIGUES, PRISCILA S.; MATOS, IZABELA T.; SALES, TATIANE S.; BURIMOVA, ANASTASIA; CABRERA-PASCA, GABRIEL; PEREIRA, LUCIANO F.; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.; OTUBO, LARISSA; CARBONARI, ARTUR W. Annealing effect on the structural and local magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles studied by hyperfine interaction measurements. In: ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 65th, November 2-6, 2020, Online. Abstract... Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 Feb 2025.
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