Slant fracture surface in 7075 aluminum alloy tensile specimens
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Rectangular specimen of a 7075 aluminum alloys in three different thermal
treatment conditions were tested in a tensile equipment. The samples tested
exhibit slant fracture surfaces. Some of the samples presented Portevin-Le
Chatelier (PLC) effect. In fact, for aluminum alloys, the PLC phenomenon may
occurs even at room temperature. It leads to strain localization and deformation
band formation. In this work, the occurrence of slant fracture is studied by
scanning electron microscopy and an attempt is done to correlate their presence
with the PLC bands.
Como referenciar
LOBO, RAQUEL de M.; MORCELLI, APARECIDO E.; SOUZA, SAUL H.; PADILHA, ANGELO F.; ANDRADE, ARNALDO H.P. de. Slant fracture surface in 7075 aluminum alloy tensile specimens. In: BRAZIL MRS MEETING, 16th, September 10-14, 2017, Gramado, RS. Abstract... São Carlos, SP: Aptor Software, 2017. p. 800-800. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 Mar 2025.
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